Primary procedure
A test tube was taken and 2.00 ± 0.05 cm3 of 2.00 X 10-2 moldm-3 of SDS solution with was added to it using a 10 cm3 graduated pipette. The temperature of the solution was recorded using a laboratory thermometer and noted down. The conductivity probe was inserted into the test tube and the reading displayed in the Lab Quest was noted down. [The conductivity probe was calibrated using the standard solution supplied along with the kit before use].The conductivity reading was taken in triplicates. The same process was applied for other solutions of SDS.
The conductivity reading of the same set of solutions was recorded at 37.0 ±0.5°C and 47.0 ± 0.5°C. The test tube containing the solution of SDS was inserted in a water bath and heated to reach the desired temperature. The temperature of the solution inside the test tube was checked using a laboratory thermometer. The conductivity of the solution was recorded as soon as it reached the desired temperature.
A 250cm3 glass beaker filled with tap water placed over a wire gauge on a tripod stand with a Bunsen burner below it was used as a water bath.