Chemistry HL's Sample Internal Assessment

Chemistry HL's Sample Internal Assessment

How does temperature affect the critical micelle concentration (CMC) of the common ionic surface active agent (surfactant) sodium dodecyl sulfate measured by using the change in the rate of conductivity as concentration is increased?

20 mins read
20 mins read
Candidate Name: N/A
Candidate Number: N/A
Session: N/A
Word count: 3,950

Table of content


In Grade 6, I was introduced to the subject food technology. In one lesson, my teacher was advising us on how to wash our dishes. He said we should use warm water, as warm as we could handle, to wash the dishes. This confused me. At home, we always just used room temperature water. Although I didn’t think about this often, I recently came across surfactants in the manufacturing of ice cream. After a bit of research, I was utterly confused. Clarity came when I found out the purpose of surfactants: to reduce the surface tension of something, thus making ice cream more creamy by reducing the surface tension between oil and water, allowing the oil to be emulsified.


Surfactants perform the same function in soaps. By definition, detergents are surfactants. They work by reducing the surface tension between water molecules and oil molecules in clothes, crockery, and even skin. This allows the object to be cleaned. This investigation aims to explore the effectiveness of detergents at different temperatures.

Background Information

Surfactant is a general term for compounds with a hydrophilic ‘head’ and a hydrophobic ‘tail’.

Figure 1 - Basic Structure Of Sodium Dodecy Sulphate (Research Gate)

Surfactants are used in detergents to disrupt hydrogen bonds between water molecules thereby reducing the surface tension of the water. Surfactants are used in soaps at low concentrations (<2%), this is due to the critical micelle concentration (CMC), a unique value for different types of surfactants at different temperatures. The CMC is the concentration at which the surfactant begins to form micelles. Micelles are supramolecular chemical structures formed from surfactant molecules dispersed in liquids. Micelles interfere with surfactant processes like cleaning and reducing surface tension. The formation of micelles is driven by the decrease in Gibbs Free Energy in the system due to the reformation of hydrogen bonds between water molecules surrounding the surfactant molecule.


Hydrogen bonding is exothermic. By Le Chatelier’s principle, at higher temperatures, hydrogen bonding will not be promoted entropically or energetically. This allows the surfactant to better disrupt the formation of hydrogen bonds. Furthermore, the formation of micelles above the temperature corresponding to the minimum CMC is also exothermic, thus is also not promoted at higher temperatures. This allows for a higher concentration of surfactants to be present before the formation of micelles. Below the temperature corresponding to the minimum CMC, micelle formation is endothermic, thus, as temperature increases to the minimum CMC, CMC decreases as a lower concentration of ions are required to make the formation of micelles entropically favourable.


Although there are multiple ways to measure critical micelle concentration, the main ones are as follows: measuring surface tension using a tensiometer, or measuring conductivity using an ammeter. This investigation uses conductivity due to the accuracy of the available equipment and its availability. Since sodium dodecyl sulphate is an anionic molecule, as it’s concentration increases, the conductivity of the solution increases. However, as micelles start to form, conductivity continues to increase but at a lower rate due to a slower rate of increase of free ions. Thus a graph of concentration versus conductivity would yield two distinct gradients. The intersection of these lines determines the point at which micelles begin to form, thus the critical micelle concentration.


It must be noted that increasing temperature increases the conductivity of ionic solutions. However, since data will be collected using the x value of the intersection of two lines, the current (y value) does not affect the result. Furthermore, since all solutions at the same temperature will be equally affected by this effect, it will not have any effects on the results.

Preliminary Results

Preliminary tests were done to adapt the method. The results of the preliminary results were -

Figure 2 - Table On

The CMC was determined by graphing concentration versus current. This yielded two clear gradients, the x coordinate of the intersection yielded the CMC at the given temperature. For 25°C, the CMC was 0.00845 moldm-3 , for 65°C, the CMC was 0.01140 moldm-3 . Although this is an extremely small range, 0.00295 moldm-3 , theory suggests that a graph of temperature versus CMC is non-linear: as temperature increases, CMC initially decreases then increases.


The results of the preliminary tests dictated the range of concentrations to use. The results showed that the likely maximum CMC would not exceed 0.0200 moldm-3 and would not be lower than 0.00845 moldm-3 . This determined the range of concentrations used in the experiment: 0.00200 moldm-3 to 0.0160 moldm-3 . This ensured that there would be significant data points before and after the CMC.

Figure 3 -

ConcernsRiskPrevention/damage controlEnvironmental and ethical concerns
Sodium Dodecyl SulphateHighly flammable in solid form, harmful if swallowed. Causes skin irritation, serious eye damage and respiratory irritation. Has harmful, long-lasting effects on marine life.

Keep away from flames. Use carbon dioxide fire extinguishers or fire blankets if needed. If in direct contact with skin, wash hands thoroughly under running water. Wear eye protection at all times. Solid SDS must be disposed of in toxic waste, however, in extremely dilute solutions (0.016moldm-3 ), it can be disposed of down a sink.

Since the concentrations used are extremely small, there would be no affect to marine life. However, care was taken to avoid wasting the chemical to limit environmental impacts in its production. No ethical concerns were raised.

Temperatures above 40°C may cause irritation to the skin. Temperatures above 60°C will cause third-degree burns if exposed to skin for 6 seconds. Temperatures above 65°C will cause third-degree burns if exposed to skin for 2 seconds. (CPSC)

Ensure to use tongs to remove boiling tubes from water baths. If burnt, rinse under cold water for at least 10 minutes. Then seek medical attention.

Ensure water baths used are not left on for unnecessary periods of time as water requires energy to heat. Since energy in Singapore mostly come from burning natural gas, over usage of energy will lead to greater emissions of greenhouse gases.
Electrictiy and PowerSince a power pack is being used, there is a risk of electricution.

Avoid short circuiting the circuit by touching two wires oppositely charged wires together. Since the current is extremely low (10-6 amps), touching the solution or wires will connected to the electrolytic cell is not a problem. The power pack was also turned off while not in use to avoid wasting energy.

Since energy in Singapore comes from fossil fuels, care was taken to limit the use of power in the experiment. This also helped reduce the risk of damage to the power pack and wires used.

Figure 4 - Table On

Electrolytic Cell (Graphite)------1
Multimeter---0.1 μA1
Power Pack---0.1 V1
Boiling tubes------144 (used 24, washed and reused)



Water Bath35-75 °C± 1 °C5
Thermometer0-100 °C± 0.1 °C1
Crocodile clips------2

Figure 5 - Table On


  • The following solutions were prepared - 0.002, 0.004, 0.006, 0.008, 0.010, 0.012, 0.014 and 0.016 moldm -3 of sodium dodecyl sulphate.
  • Apparatus was set up as shown in Figure 2
  • A measuring cylinder was used to measure 10cm3 of 0.002 moldm-3 , this was poured into a boiling tube
  • The boiling tube was placed into a water bath set at 25°C
  • A thermometer was placed inside the boiling tube.
  • When the thermometer read 25°C, the power pack was turned on and the solution was poured into the electrolytic cell.
  • The reading on the multimeter was recorded after 3 seconds.
  • Steps 3 - 7 were repeated using concentrations of 0.004, 0.006, 0.008, 0.010, 0.012, 0.014 and 0.016 moldm-3
  • Steps 3-8 were repeated at water bath temperatures of 35°C, 45°C, 55°C, 65°C and 75°C.

Figure 6 - A Diagram Describing The Setup Of Apparatus.

Figure 7 - Raw Data Showing The Conductivity Of Different Concentrations Of SDS At Different Temperatures

Justifying uncertainties - 0.2 °C was used as the uncertainty in the table above due to the time delay when taking the boiling tube out of the water and pouring the solution into the electrolytic cell.


Qualitative observations: Limited observations were made during the heating of the solutions (no effervescence, colour change, or gases released). After pouring the solutions into the electrolytic cell, there was a spike in current, the current continued to change rapidly in the first second after pouring the solution in. The current then settled and began decreasing at a rate of about 10μA per second. On occasion, the reading changed at the 3-second mark, in this case, the reading before the change was recorded.


Anomalies (highlighted in red): At lower temperatures, there are few anomalies, however, as temperature increases, the number of anomalies increases. This is likely due to steady-state


conduction. Steady-state conduction says that the rate of heat transfer is proportional to the temperature difference between two substances. Thus a greater temperature would have a greater rate of heat transfer. In trials above 32.1°C, this causes the temperature to decrease more rapidly than trials below 32.1°C. While this may not cause issues with the experiment (as all trials are allowed to cool for 3 seconds and the calculation of CMC does not rely on the measured temperature), it may exaggerate human error. For example, at low temperatures, there may only be a small temperature change between the second and third seconds after taking the solution out of a water bath, but at high temperatures, this temperature change is much higher. Theory suggests that as temperature increases, conductivity increases, thus subtle differences in temperature may cause differences in conductivity across trials, creating more anomalous results at higher temperatures.

Figure 8 - Processed Data Showing The CMC Of SDS at Different Temperatures

Sample calculations

Finding the CMC

Consider temperature = 22.1 ± 0.2 °C

Figure 9 -

The graph above shows the x value of the intersection of the two lines to be 0.0101 moldm-3 . Since the CMC is defined as the concentration at which micelles start to form and it has previously been determined that the point of change in gradient gives the CMC, due to the rate of increase of conductivity decreasing.


Finding CMCAvg




Consider temperature = 22.1 ± 0.2 °C


\(CMC_{Avg }=\frac{0.0101+0.0106}{3}\)


CMC Avg  = 0.0104


CMC Avg Uncertainty


\(CMC_{Avg} Unc=\frac{CMC_{Max}-CMC_{Min}}{2}\)


Consider Temperature = 22.1 ± 0.2 °C


\(CMC_{Avg} Unc = \frac{0.0106-0.0101}{2}\)




Figure 10 -  A Graph Of CMC (Moldm-3  ) Versus Temperature (°C)


Figure 3 plots critical micelle concentration versus temperature. As the temperature of the solution increases, CMC decreases between T = 22.1°C and T = 32.1 °C. Between T = 42.3°C and T = 71.0°C, CMC increases somewhat linearly. Theory predicted a graph of CMC versus T to decreases between 0°C and 25°C, then increase at an increasing rate after 25°C. Experimentally, the initial data point, (0.0100, 22.1), does not fit the predicted trend. However, from T = 32.1°C and above, there is a positive trend with an increasing gradient, this fits the predicted trend.


This may be due to the enthalpy change of micelle formation. In surfactant solutions, surfactant ions arrange themselves on t he surface of the water, this is exothermic as the hydrophilic tail forms a hydrogen bond with water molecules. As the concentration of surfactants increases, the energy released in the formation of micelles becomes greater than the energy released in the formation of hydrogen bonds at the interface because there are more surfactant molecules, this works in line with the fact that there is less space at the air-water interface for the surfactants to bond to. Micelle formation is also entropically favourable at low temperatures as the micelle can move within the solution whereas surfactant molecules are stuck at the surface. However, as temperature increases, micelle formation becomes less energetically favourable as individual particles have more kinetic energy, and thus can move around more. As the concentration of surfactants increases, micelles can form with more molecules, increasing the energy released from its formation. Eventually, the energy released will be great enough to increase the kinetic energy of the water molecules around it enough to be entropically favourable to form a micelle.


The CMC of SDS at 25°C was experimentally determined to be 0.0104 ± 0.0003 moldm-3 , the theoretical value is 0.00800 moldm-3 , giving a percent discrepancy of 30%. The systematic error was found to be 23%. This is a relatively large systematic error, suggesting the investigation was relatively inaccurate. The average random percentage error was found to be 4.93% (sum of percentage errors in temperature and CMC). This is relatively high considering the precision of the equipment used (thermometer 0.05°C, multimeter 0.1 μA) suggesting the investigation could be made more precise (see evaluation).


The loss of heat took place while transferring the solutions from the boiling tube in the water bath to the electrolytic cell. This may have caused some systematic error, meaning each data point should be shifted to a slightly lower temperature. It may also have exemplified random errors in the method as explained in the anomalies section.A conductivity meter could be placed in situ. This would ensure that the temperature of the solution at the time of measurement is the true temperature, reducing the uncertainty of the temperature from 0.2 °C to 0.05 °C, reducing the maximum percentage uncertainty from 0.9% to 0.2%. It may also reduce the random uncertainty in measurement of current, reducing the number of anomalies.
Due to rapid changes in the measurement of current, measurements of current were not as accurate as they could be (± 5μA versus ± 0.1μA). Furthermore, due to the movement of the solution as it was being poured in, spikes and drops in current were detected. This likely caused a few of the anomalies shown in table 11.Applying the method above, the addition of a data logger that records the current in the circuit over time would allow an average to be taken. This would remove the issue of having spikes and dips in data points, likely removing a few of the anomalies. It would also be more accurate as it is a digital process, removing the chance of human error. The data logger would measure the average current over a period of 10 seconds, allowing an accurate average to be taken. In combination with the method above, these improvements would remove temperature change, movement of liquid, and spikes in conductivity, likely reducing the number of anomalies greatly, increasing the accuracy of the investigation.

Due to low volumes of solutions whil decrease in volume by 1cm3 would lead to an 11% increase in concentration, greatly affecting the results of the experiment.e measuring current (10cm-3 ), small changes in the volume of water in the boiling tube had disproportionately large effects on the concentration of SDS in the solution. This change in volume may have come from evaporation in the water baths or splashing and dripping during the processing of the solutions. With a small volume like 10cm3 of 0.016cm-3 , an

While caution can be taken to mitigate the chances of changes in the volume of water, these options may not be effective. To limit the effects of changes in volumes of water, the volume of solution should be increased to 40cm-3 . A solution of 30cm3 SDS with a concentration of 0.016 moldm-3 that experiences a decrease in volume by 1cm3 would lead to a 2.5% increase in concentration, a much smaller percentage than previously. This would reduce the effects of changes in the volume of water on the concentration of the SDS solutions.

Figure 11 - Table On


The readings on the equipment used were extremely accurate, with uncertainties of 0.1 μA on the multimeter and 0.05°C on the thermometer. This is particularly a strength for the measure of current as when measured in μA, current was always greater than 100 μA, leading to a maximum uncertainty of 0.1%.
A large range of temperatures across six intervals was trialed: between 25°C and 75°C with three trials at each temperature. This not only gave a large spread of data but increased accuracy by removing the possibility of one time anomalies leading to major changes in the results.

Figure 12 - Table On


The natural next steps to this experiment would be to investigate other factors affecting the CMC of SDS. This could include pH, the length of the surfactant molecule, and the concentration of other ions in the solution. The same method for determining the CMC could be applied except instead of changing temperature, pH would change using a series of pH buffer solutions.

Works Cited

Mohajeri, Ehsan, and Gholamreza D. Noudeh. "Effect of Temperature on the Critical Micelle Concentration and Micellization Thermodynamic of Nonionic Surfactants: Polyoxyethylene Sorbitan Fatty Acid Esters." E-Journal of Chemistry, vol. 9, no. 4, 2012, pp. 2268-2274.


Research Gate, 12498761. Accessed 9 May 2022.


Sakhawat, S. S., and Ejaz-ur Rehman. "Effect of Temperature and Aprotic Solvents on the CMC of Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate." Interactions of Water in Ionic and Nonionic Hydrates, 1987.


Zieliński, Ryszard, et al. "Effect of temperature on micelle formation in aqueous solutions of alkyltrimethylammonium bromides." Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, vol. 129, no. 1, 1989, pp. 175-184.