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Chapter 1 - Knowledge & The Knower(Core)

Individual & Collective Knowledge
Bahador Shirazian 
Theory of Knowledge
Say Hi 👋 To Bahador Shirazian
1 Videos
3 Minutes
Breaking Down ToK!
2 Videos
13 Minutes
Chapter 1 - Knowledge & The Knower(Core)
10 Videos
2 Hours 50 Minutes
Chapter 2 - Knowledge & Technology(Optional)
6 Videos
1 Hours 25 Minutes
Chapter 3 - Knowledge & Language(Optional)
6 Videos
1 Hours 59 Minutes
Chapter 4 - Knowledge & Politics(Optional)
8 Videos
1 Hours 53 Minutes
Chapter 5 - Knowledge & Religion(Optional)
9 Videos
1 Hours 57 Minutes
Chapter 6 - Knowledge & Indigenous Societies(Optional)
8 Videos
1 Hours 39 Minutes
Chapter 7 - History(AoK)
11 Videos
1 Hours 29 Minutes
Chapter 8 - The Human Sciences(AoK)
13 Videos
2 Hours 16 Minutes
Chapter 9 - The Natural Sciences(AoK)
13 Videos
2 Hours 12 Minutes
Chapter 10 - The Arts(AoK)
11 Videos
2 Hours 23 Minutes
Chapter 11 - Mathematics(AoK)
10 Videos
1 Hours 59 Minutes
Chapter 12 - ToK Exhibition
12 Videos
1 Hours 15 Minutes
Chapter 13 - ToK Essay
12 Videos
1 Hours 47 Minutes