IB Biology IA ideas (30+ topics) - A Goldmine You Can't Ignore.

Unleash your potential in IB Biology with our exclusive list of 30+ captivating IA ideas! Discover the secrets to scoring top marks & nail your IA now!

Shreya Tripathi
26th Jan 2023
IB Biology IA ideas (30+ topics) - A Goldmine You Can't Ignore.

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Sitting in that quiet corner, sipping hot chocolate, hoping it rains IB Biology IA ideas, instead, going blank and utterly confused?


We don't want that to happen, do we? 


Choosing the perfect IB Biology IA idea is only the first step in making one's IB Biology Investigation, but definitely, the most significant. IB Biology IA Ideas won't strike out of the blue, but here's a list of 30+ IB Biology IA ideas to inspire and stimulate your grey cells! Selecting an IBxq Biology IA idea has always been challenging! 


Before we look for IB Biology IA ideas, let's clearly comprehend the IB Biology Diploma Programme Subject, its objectives, partwise breakdown, and what IB expects of you.


The IB IAs are essential to one's overall subject performance since they make up 20% of the final score. Internal Assessments are the perfect way to get students to put their knowledge to use by Observing, Questioning, and Investigating. Personal engagementExplorationAnalysisEvaluationand Communication are the criteria against which the investigation is assessed.            


The sure-shot way to ace one's IB Biology IA, or any IA, is by picking a topic that sparks one's interest. A well-planned, structured, and executed IA has been undertaken with zeal and enthusiasm. It is all the same when choosing that one Biology IA idea from a platter full of inspiration. 


Before we dive more in-depth, you should check out our premium IB Biology SL Notes to own your Biology SL papers! Along with a bundle of Past Papers, these premium SL notes include guides for your Extended Essay and Internal Assessments with helpful examples! You certainly want to take advantage of these! Browse these for more information! 


When it comes to selecting from several IB Biology IA ideas for your investigation, it is essential to note that your IA would either require you to:

  • Carry out experimental research in the laboratory or
  • Draw interpretation from a credible database or
  • Make a detailed analysis using a simulation/modelling.


Either way, you must connect to your topic and portray personal engagement as it lays the foundation for the rest of your investigation. Proper research is a bare minimum, and the rest follows. Here's a quick summary of how you are supposed to choose an appropriate IB Biology IA idea for your report:

  • Know your interest: Go through several IA ideas to understand what all topics are in sync with the IB Biology curriculum and if something grabs your attention, hold on to it!
  • Keep it specific: The idea should be more generic and more complex. An ideal IA idea reeks of originality and leaves room for proper investigation and analysis.
  • Let it be realistic: Outline the Equipment, time, and resources to check its feasibility.


Tada! There you go! 


Now that you know how to settle on that one perfect topic, let's quickly brief ourselves on the proper planning and procedure involved in the making of an IB Biology IA:

Concise Research Question: 

Your Research Question and the Aim of the Investigation are separate sub-headings with different implications. Keep the research question brief and relevant. The Aim answers Why while the Research Question answers the What.

  • Set the Background: 
    • It is essential to set the Research Question in the background of the chosen topic. My Background, IB expects you to briefly explain what encouraged you to select a particular topic and, hopefully, a personal story that validates your choice and engagement. For instance, if you choose to investigate how light levels affect the predation of peppered moths, you could set a background that you have gained a fascination for that species ever since it was introduced to you for some explanation in your regular classes and eventually give more scientific basis for your choice.
  • Highlight your variables and hypothesis: 
    • Independent, Dependent variables need to be highlighted, as should the hypothesis. State your hypothesis; it is important in the context of your research. Constraints, if any, need to be mentioned as well. Remember, the Independent variable is one that you are allowed to change(just one); the Dependent variable is one that you measure as it changes with the Independent variable; all the other experiment conditions must be kept constant to ensure that the experiment is fair.
  • Method and Equipment used: 
    • The procedure used should be well structured.
  • Observations: 
    • Tables, Graphs, etc., should be used.
  • Analysis and Conclusion: 
    • Perform the relevant analysis, consider the research question, and conclude. 
  • Evaluation:
    • Limitations and Improvements should be specified.


Acknowledging the safety protocols established by IB and considering the ethical aspects of your investigation is imperative. 


Focus on the question:

"If there are any ethical implications to your report, how do you plan on minimizing the environmental impact of your experiment?" 


Citing documents/web pages and giving references is another crucial aspect of your IA that needs to be taken care of. 


An important thing to note here is that although you are allowed to take inspiration from existing research, papers/journals, you are expected to give a novel perspective to the idea while producing it in your investigation.


For example, an idea inspired by how the soil pH affects seed germination could be investigated in a new light; think of other factors controlling/affecting seed germination. You could progress further in your report with a focus on quantitative data.


With all the necessary information at your disposal, it is time to present some fantastic IB Biology IA ideas to encourage you to put your thinking caps on and take on the challenge with newfound zeal! These ideas are meant to give you a little head start along this path; your final IB Biology Investigation idea is your interpretation of one.


Without further adieu, let's dive headfirst into 30+ IB Biology IA ideas for your Biology IA Investigation!

  • Investigating the rate of photosynthesis in a Tomato plant(Solanum Lycopersicum) by comparing the effect of light quality.
    • Reference to Course: Molecular Biology (Metabolism, Cell Respiration, Photosynthesis)
    • Lab, Simulation-based
  • Finding how distance from a light source affects photosynthetic activity.
    • Reference to Course: Molecular Biology (Metabolism, Cell Respiration, Photosynthesis)
    • Experimental 
  • Investigating biological membranes using a spectrovis to measure changes in colour because of the release of betacyanin due to beet cell membranes' damage. 
    • Reference to Course: Cell Biology (Membrane Structure)
    • Experimental
  • Studying how Transpiration Rates are affected by varying Temperatures.
    • Reference to Course: Plant Biology
    • Experimental
  • Finding how starch metabolism to glucose varies with variation in fruit ripening methods adopted.
    • Reference to Course: Molecular Biology (Metabolism, Cell Respiration, Photosynthesis)
    • Experimental
  • Investigating how Lactase enzyme interacts with Lactose when found in Lactaid Pills( Lactose Intolerance pills).
    • Reference to Course: Molecular Biology (Enzymes)
    • Experimental
  • Studying Mitosis in Onion(Allium cepa)/ Garlic(Allium sativum). Also, calculating the Mitotic Index for the same.
    • Reference to Course: Cell Biology
    • Experimental
  • Finding how absorption spectra of different grades of olive oil compare.
    • Reference to Course: Plant Biology
    • Experimental
  • Exploring the effect of varying temperatures on the chemical properties of pH and the mineral properties of a particular variety of soil's phosphorus, potassium, and nitrogen content.
    • Reference to Course: Plant Biology
    • Simulation/Modelling
  • Studying the effect of time on the plasmolysis of potatoes.
    • Reference to Course: Cell Biology (Osmosis)
    • Database based
  • Using a spectrophotometer, investigate how the concentration of sodium chloride ions affects the rate at which enzyme ∝ - amylase hydrolyses starch.
    • Reference to Course:  Molecular Biology (Enzymes)
    • Experimental
  • Finding how light levels affect the predation of a particular insect.
    • Reference to Course: Ecology
    • Experimental
  • Investigating the effect of antibiotics on bacterial growth/microorganisms.
    • Reference to Course: Microbiology
    • Database based
  • Exploring how algae samples' primary productivity changes with temperature, algae concentration, other aquatic plants, turbidity, salinity, nutrients, and other factors.
    • Reference to Course: Ecology
    • Experimental
  • Studying whether there is a relationship between the primary structure of amylases and pH buffers. 
    • Reference to Course: Molecular Biology(Enzymes)
    • Experimental
  • Understanding how a particular abiotic factor affects the biodiversity in a habitat.
    • Reference to Course: Ecology
    • Experimental, Simulation-based
  • Comparing the buffering actions of various substances: antacids, milk, sodium bicarbonate, sodium carbonate, detergents, etc.
    • Reference to Course: Buffers
    • Experimental
  • Investigating how tuberculosis Incidence is related to a country's Human Development Index(HDI) level.
    • Reference to Course: Human Physiology
    • Experimental
  • Exploring how the reaction times of humans get affected with age.
    • Reference to Course: Human Physiology
    • Experimental
  • Finding how the respiration rates of baker's yeast and lager and wine yeast in various sugar solutions compare.
    • Reference to Course: Cell Biology
    • Experimental
  • Investigating how the concentration of RuBisCo in the leaves of a plant species varies with varied exposure to sunlight.
    • Reference to Course: Molecular Biology(Enzymes)
    • Experimental
  • Exploring how the Water Quality Index (WQI) is affected by water obtained from Chemical Industries/Sewage Treatment Plants.
    • Reference to Course: Ecology
    • Simulation Analysis
  • Studying how sudden workout affects the heart rate and baroreceptor feedback.
    • Reference to Course: Human Physiology
    • Experimental
  • Comparing Gersmehl diagrams from different biomes or applying them in other real-world conditions by measuring the content of nutrient sinks- biomass, litter, or soil.
    • Reference to Course: Ecology
    • Database, Experimental
  • Studying the effect of enzymes on Cheese production.
    • Reference to Course: Molecular Biology(Enzymes)
    • Experimental
  • Exploring how the height of plants is affected by Nitrogen or Fluoride based fertilizers used.
    • Reference to Course: Plants Physiology
    • Experimental
  • Investigating muscle activity when standing on one's toes(Ballet dancers).
    • Reference to Course: Human Physiology
    • Experimental
  • Comparing the Carbon Dioxide levels in the air exhaled after and before workout sessions.
    • Reference to Course: Human Physiology
    • Experimental
  • Studying how different carbohydrates in edibles impact the blood sugar levels in humans. 
    • Reference to Course: Human Physiology
    • Experimental
  • Exploring root hair cells and finding their visibility with age.
    • Reference to Course: Cell Biology
    • Experimental


These ideas are for you to start exploring and begin! Take inspiration from these and research further to land on that one idea that gets you going!


But is that it? Certainly not! 


Here are a couple of other ideas you could browse and eventually take inspiration from:

  • Effect of Different Fertilizers on Eutrophication.
  • Analyzing Milk Spoilage under varying conditions of Temperature, Sunlight, etc.
  • Exploring how a particular variable affects the germination of seeds.
  • Investigating the rate of oxygen production of seaweed with variation in light intensity.
  • To prevent microbial growth, explore better ways to clean household items(for example - mats).
  • Studying the effect of temperature on photosynthesis in Green Gram(Vigna Radiata).
  • Understanding what effect different ethanol concentrations have on cell membranes.
  • Studying the biology behind Schizophrenia.
  • Investigating the decay time of different Genetically Modified Foods.
  • Understanding the impact of different variables on vegetable decay/ Exploring other methods to prevent vegetable decay.


And that's that!


These little ideas will help you brainstorm and explore further the vast yet intriguing expanse of biology. IB Biology curriculum expects you to appreciate scientific problems in a global context with stimulating opportunities, and IB Biology IAs help you accomplish just that. It might seem like a lot of work, but with the right topic, you will surpass your expectations! On this note, we wish you all the very best for your IB Biology IA Journey :)


Want some A-quality guidance? Look no further; at Nail IB, we have assembled premium content for you to ace your IBs, and you should check out our resources for a smooth IB experience. Click here for top-notch IB resources or to assess how your prep is going! 


This article will be a foundation for you to get going on that IB Biology IA Investigation of yours! 

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