What Is An Extended Essay & How to Write It?

Read this article for 5 tips to ace your IB Extended Essay. this article shows IB students how to write an Extended Essay for IB Diploma.

Shreya Tripathi
25th Jan 2023
What Is An Extended Essay & How to Write It?

Table of content


Introduce and elaborate topic that you are researching in your EE.


  • A crisp description of what you will explore and how you will do so. If you are aiming at a particular firm/industry, discuss the problems and your investigation method.
  • To provide context to your question, you must address the situation from where the question is coming.
  • State your research question and emphasize the importance of answering that question.
  • Please describe how your research is helpful and exciting and how it is valuable to your audience.

This article will reveal helpful information on what your IB Extended Essay (EE) requires. Consider this your IB Extended Essay Checklist, which covers everything you must know about your EE.


Hey! Make sure you listen to Ivy, who will explain what NOT to do on your EE.


These mountains you are carrying, you were only supposed to climb!


Understand that no warrior ever conquered the battlefield with an unhinged mind. We say this because, being past IB students, we have seen and faced what we are about to and have a good knowledge and acquired the ability to differentiate between more enormous beasts and smaller beasts.


IB Extended Essay is a smaller beast considering that you give it enough time before it becomes more prominent. All you need to do is relax your mind, de-stress and follow a simple procedure explained further in the article. There is no need to panic. Trust us, listen to us, and be like us!


Moving ahead from punny insertions, let us tell you why the IB extended essay can be an easy and exciting mountain to climb:


  • Subject of your choice (Good practice to choose from your HLs)
  • Independence of choosing a topic  
  • Choice of choosing your mentor
  • Continuous feedback and support from your chosen mentor.

What Is IB Extended Essay?

IB extended essay (IB EE) is another one of the mandatory requirements of the IB Diploma Programme. It is a mini-thesis that you write under the supervision of a mentor/advisor. Your mentor will be an IB teacher from your school. The students must conduct independent research on a topic of their choice, which must be at most the limit of 4000 words. You begin by choosing a research question as a topic that will be further approved by IBO. It is up to you to either do a typical research paper, conduct an experiment/solve a problem-type EE.

Choosing Your Mentor

I can write too many paragraphs giving you unnecessary information but let’s cut to the chase and admit the heart wants what it wants. You will go with an advisor/mentor with whom you will connect the most. However, suppose your judgment is clouded between the advisor you want to choose solely because you click with them better and the mentor who is knowledgeable about your chosen topic and can help you improve your research work. In that case, the choice is pretty straightforward: listen to your brain. Get rid of your toxic love and make a wise decision to choose a knowledgeable mentor. If you are lucky, the mentor you connect with and the one with ample knowledge about your chosen topic will be the same person. On that note, consider only two things while choosing your advisor:


  • An advisor who is familiar with your topic 
  • An advisor who will push you to be your best


Before diving into the topic selection and the structure of your IB extended essay, refer to this table to get an insight into the grade breakdown table. This will be helpful in your planning phase.

NoExtended EssayTheory of KnowledgeTotal Grade





















Figure 1

Moving ahead towards essential aspects of this article. After choosing your mentor, the next step for ‘how to write an EE’ is choosing a topic with the help of your mentor’s input. It is as essential as our TOK Essay and TOK presentation.

How To Select Your Topic?

Keep the following in mind while selecting your topic:


  • Choose a topic that interests you.
  • A topic that has enough resources and material.
  • Choose a topic that is neither too narrow (so you have enough material) nor too broad (to avoid exceeding the word limit of 4000 words)

The Structure Of IB Extended Essay

Before we dive into the structure, let us make one thing clear, there is a difference between the title and the research question. A title is different from your research question. Your research question is a clear and focused summative statement of your research. For instance, “The Effect of Gender and Age on the photoreceptor cells in the human retina” is a title whereas the following as the examples of research questions:

Research Question

“Does the efficiency of Rods and cones decrease with age?

“What is the efficiency of L-cone vs M-cone vs S-cone?“

“To what extent are rod cells more efficient than the three cone cells?”

“Does the efficieny of rods and cones differ between genders?”

Table Of Contents

This will include the following:


  • Introduction
  • Methodology
  • Main body
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography
  • Appendices

Quick Note: The content on this page will not be included in your essay word count.

NO ABSTRACT REQUIRED. The latest IB guide states that an abstract should not be included in EE anymore.


You should split this section into two major areas to cover all the essential aspects.


  • Section - 1 Explaining your sources
  • Section - 2 Related topics, theories, and arguments that you will use to explore


Quick Note: Ensure that besides giving the readers an insight into the theories, arguments, and resources you plan to use for your research, you also point out the weaknesses and limitations.


Section- 1: Sources

  • Describe each of your major sources of primary and secondary research.
  • Inform the readers how these sources are helpful.
  • To provide the readers with insight into each source's weaknesses or limitations. For example, there may have been room for bias or a limited scope of your research. Or there are other reasons why other data you used could be unreliable or invalid.
  • Some useful sources of secondary research are company annual reports, news articles, magazine articles, business textbooks, and encyclopedias.
  • Mention any adjustments (at least one) you made to your research as you progressed with your EE.


Section- 2: Related topics, theories, and arguments

  • Briefly explain the ideas you will use and why (what are you aiming to support by using these).
  • Address weaknesses or limitations of each addressed topic, theory, or related argument.
  • Mention any changes made to these as you progressed with your EE.

The Main Body

This part of your essay will be the most elaborate. It will concentrate on research, analysis, discussion, and evaluation.


To maintain the flow of your previous section, we suggest splitting this section into two parts, identical to the previous bifurcation, to showcase your understanding of the IB concepts learned in your business management class and the other addressing the insightful material outside of your course.


Section-1: Related arguments, theories, and topics form your course learning

  • Include 4 or 5 of these to help you answer your research question.
  • It is suggested that you include at least one financial element. Address your qualitative tools before the quantitative ones.


Section- 2: Beyond your Course

Take up this section as an opportunity for you to educate your reader/evaluator.

  • Review several related theories and concepts more extensively than the course does.
  • Impress your reader by giving the sense that you know how the particular industry works. Showcase your expertise or knowledge gained through expert opinions in several aspects of your question.
  • Please add some analytical insight in this section rather than just descriptive. Be careful to ensure that all of your theories in this section are really helping you answer your research question.
  • You can use a graph here, but it must link to the research question.
  • Use theories and supportive arguments that apply to your research and are beyond your course (if relevant).

Quick Note: Relate every paragraph to your research question.

The Conclusion

This section is self-explanatory. It is time to bind all your areas together.

  • It would help if you concentrated on making your EE sections cohesive.
  • Please address what you have researched and how it helps answer your research question.
  • Keep everything new in your conclusion.
  • Shine through by including mini-conclusions to synthesize your essay.
  • You can include several evaluative insights as well, if applicable.
  • Mention some weaknesses and limitations of your research and their effect on your research. You can even address the inaccuracies these limitations may have caused and state the reason behind them.
  • Explain at least one thing that you would have done differently if you were to do it again.

Quick Note: Don’t include a recommendations section in your EE


This section gives the reader an insight into your research resources. It may include:

  • Secondary Resources
    • Books –textbooks, internet resources, journals, academic papers, competitor interviews, etc.
  • Primary Resource (if applicable) –Interview, data (focus group, survey, etc.).

Quick note: The content on this page will not be included in your essay word count.


Take this section as more of an essential formality of showcasing the process of hard work that you have put in.

  • Transcripts from your interviews,
  • The additional analysis you didn't fit in the body of your EE.
  • Any other exciting data which you would like to refer to in the body of your work.

Quick note: The content on this page will not be included in your essay word count.


With this, we come to the end of our article on what is an IB extended essay and how to write an extended essay. As we mentioned earlier, it is relatively easy. All you need is dedication, set timelines, and proper research. So, don't worry; no rabbits can pull out your hat today. If you want to score a 36 on 36 your Extended Essay, check out our Extended Essay Guide, which offers '5 never heard before' tips to help you write a quality essay.

IB Extended Essay Checklist

Make an IB Extended Essay Checklist! I cannot emphasize enough on this point. The submission for your EE happens simultaneously when you are expected to take your exams. There will be a million things that you would have to keep track of. There is a high chance of forgetting to make that final edit or perfecting your EE's introduction in the midst of it all. Therefore, an IB Extended Essay Checklist will ensure you do everything. IB Extended Essay Checklist will be your savior during the final submission days.


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