Biology HL's Sample Internal Assessment

Biology HL's Sample Internal Assessment

Investigation of the effect of ethanol concentration on catalase activity

24 mins read
24 mins read
Candidate Name: N/A
Candidate Number: N/A
Session: N/A
Word count: 4,669

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According to the Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2022, 81% of university students engaged in alcohol consumption and 22.7% maintained unregulated alcohol consumption behaviors. Alcohol stimulates the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and denatures catalase. Catalase breaks down ROS in the body to balance the levels of oxidative stress; therefore alcohol consumption contributes to oxidative stress that may result in diabetes, cancer and neuronal damage. (Qi H.M. et al, 2022)

Research question

How do different concentrations of ethanol [0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, 40%] affect the catalase activity in potato Solanum Tuberosum measured by the amount of oxygen gas produced after incubating with ethanol for 1 minute and reacting with hydrogen peroxide for 5 minutes?

Background information

Catalase is a globular protein and a heme-containing enzyme. A globular protein regulates the rate of reaction by its presence as a catalyst. It contains an active site allowing substrates with a complementary shape identical to the active site to bind to it. An enzyme-substrate complex is produced after the substrate binds to the active site. The enzyme-substrate complex creates an alternative pathway that reduces activation energy for the reaction. In the case of catalase reacting with hydrogen peroxide, hydrogen peroxide molecules bind to catalase active sites, it then interacts with the iron atom from the heme group, which triggers the hydrogen peroxide to be broken down to oxygen and water.


Catalase can be found in most living organisms, it acts as an antioxidant enzyme that breaks down cellular hydrogen peroxide. Catalase is found mostly in the liver in the human body. Catalase is important in living cells as it reduces oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is defined as the imbalance of the amount of free radicals and antioxidants in the body. (Dix M, 2018) Catalase reduces oxidative stress by balancing reactive oxygen species [ROS] in cell tissues. Oxidative stress may lead to tissue injury, where an accumulation of ROS may lead to an imbalance of oxidative stress that damages biomacromolecules, including DNA which may result in apoptosis and oncosis. (Authen, R.L. & Davis J.M, 2009) Oxidative stress increases aging, the risk of diabetes, cancer and neuronal damage. This may over-activate the TRPV4 protein channel, leading to heightened rates of renal dysfunction and tissue damage. (Hong. Z. et al, 2016) Hydrogen peroxide is a cellular ROS produced naturally in the body as a byproduct of cellular respiration. Catalase breaks down hydrogen peroxide (2H2O2 2H2O+O2) into oxygen and water reducing the accumulation of hydrogen peroxide in cells. Hydrogen peroxide is a ROS that may cause oxidative damage towards cellular components. (Ransy. C. et al, 2020) Therefore, catalase is crucial in the role of reducing oxidative stress in the body.


Ethanol is the most common form of alcohol found in alcoholic beverages. Different alcohols have different concentrations of ethanol, usually, people consume ranges from 1% to 40% in the form of beer, wine, liquor and spirits. (Yerby. N, 2023).The breakdown of alcohol after consumption occurs in the liver, where catalase levels are the highest. Catalase is located in peroxisomes that undergo oxidative reactions using the molecular oxygen obtained after breaking down cellular hydrogen peroxide. Ethanol is metabolized by catalase to form acetaldehyde, then acetaldehyde turns into acetate by mechanisms of aldehyde dehydrogenase; ethanol metabolism also creates ROS as byproducts. Therefore ethanol in the process of catalase breaking down hydrogen peroxide becomes a competitive inhibitor by occupying catalase active sites. (Biomolecule-Enzymes, n.d.) This prevents the hydrogen peroxide molecule from binding to catalytic sites and therefore can’t be broken down. Chronic alcohol consumption may lead to sustained levels of catalase inhibition, and increased levels of ROS contributing to oxidative stress may cause feedback inhibition where the synthesis of signaling pathways can cause the inhibition or suppressed expression of the enzyme catalase. (Choi et al., 2009) The observation of ethanol inhibition may be shown through the volume of oxygen gas produced from the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide


Independent variableDiscuss the likely impact upon the investigationHow the variable will be changed (IV) or measured (DV)

The concentration of Ethanol [[0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, 40%]

The enzyme catalase will be incubated the different ethanol concentrations mentioned then reacted with hydrogen peroxide. This is to find out the effect of different concentrations of ethanol on the activity of enzyme catalase

The different concentrations of ethanol will be calculated using a base ethanol concentration of 95% and then prepared by using water to dilute the 95% ethanol. Using a measuring cylinder and pipette to drop the exact amount of ethanol needed in order to make the ethanol solution as close to the desired concentration.

Figure 1 - Table On Variables

Dependent variableDiscuss the likely impact upon the investigationHow the variable will be changed (IV) or measured (DV)

The volume of oxygen gas measured in 5 minutes [cm3 ]

The volume of gas produced after the catalase reacts with hydrogen peroxide indicates the rate of activity of enzyme catalase. The lower the volume of oxygen gas produced, the lower the rate of catalase activity

The volume of gas produced will be measured by a modified eudiometer based on the apparatus present in the lab, it will be measured in cm3 to have a clearer observation of the relatively lower volume of gas produced

Figure 2 - Table On Dependent Variable

Figure 3 - Table On Controlled Variable

Uncontrolled variableDiscuss the likely impact upon the investigationHow will the effect of the variable be minimized?
The pH level of individual potatoes used

The pH range of potatoes may affect the optimal pH for catalase to function. A more acidic or alkaline environment may reduce the rate of activity or denature the catalase. The pH of a potato ranges from 6 to 6.5 and the optimal pH for catalase is 7. The storage conditions or maturity of a potato can differ in its pH value.

pH of the potato will be attempted to minimize by reducing the time of storage before using the potato to minimize any unfavorable pH changes. The potatoes will be stored in a dry cabinet with no contact with direct sunlight or a heat source to reduce the chances of it increasing pH levels.

Figure 4 - Table On Uncontrolled Variable


Ho - As the concentration of ethanol [0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, 40%] increases, it will show no significant difference in the volume of oxygen gas produced from catalase enzymes breaking down hydrogen peroxide. Therefore, no impact of ethanol concentration on catalytic activity would be observed.


H1 - As the concentration of ethanol [0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, 40%] increases, the volume of oxygen gas produced would decrease after 5 minutes. This occurs due to more ethanol molecules present to inhibit catalase active sites, thereby decreasing the rate of breaking down hydrogen peroxide.


  • 8x Potato Solanum tuberosum
  • 1x blender
  • 9x airtight bottles
  • 1x refrigerator
  • 2x 25 cm3 measuring cylinder (± 0. 25ml)
  • 2x 10 cm3 measuring cylinder (± 0. 1ml )
  • 2x test tube bung
  • 1x test tube bung with hole
  • Pipettes
  • 1x tiny spoon
  • 1x water bath
  • 1x large container
  • 1x clamp stand
  • 1x scotch tape
  • 1x permanent marker
  • 1x timer
  • 500ml 95% ethanol
  • 500ml 3% Hydrogen Peroxide


A. pre lab preparation

Preparing puree solution [100%]

  • Cut up a potato into smaller pieces, then blend up in a blender. The mixture should be watery with potato flesh residue
  • Transfer the potato mixture into a bottle with an airtight lid, do not mix the mixture vigorously in this process
  • Put the bottle into the refrigerator from 2°C to 8°C to preserve and immobilize the catalase.

Figure 5 - Blended Potato Puree

Preparing apparatus to measure enzymatic activity

Figure 6 - Set-Up To Measure Volume Of Oxygen Gas

Figure 7 - Masking Tape On Measuring Cylinder To Note Down Volume of Oxygen Gas

  • Add water to the container and leave a small gap
  • Get a 25cm3 measuring cylinder and use masking tape to cover up half of the cylinder from 0cm3 to 15cm3 - ensure the tape does not cover the numbers and leaves a gap for the student to observe
  • Fill a 25cm3 measuring cylinder with water
  • Set the measuring cylinder filled with water, turn it upside down and put it into the container. Ensure that there is no air bubble in the measuring cylinder
  • Use a clamp stand to secure the measuring cylinder in position
  • Connect a rubber tube to a test tube bung
  • Insert the other end of the rubber tube into the measuring cylinder; ensure that the tube end is aimed inside the measuring cylinder. Continue to ensure that there are no air bubbles in the measuring cylinder

Set up the water bath

Figure 8 - Set-Up Of Water Bath

  • Ensure a dry environment around the water bath
  • Switch on the power supply connected to the water bath
  • Fill the water bath with distilled water above the heating element
  • Switch on the water bath and set the thermostat to 37°C to imitate the conditions in the human body and allow catalase to reach an optimum temperature to be active
  • Fix a thermometer in the water bath to ensure the temperature of the water bath is constant with the desired temperature
  • Wait until the water bath reaches the desired temperature
  • Add a conical flask into the water bath

Preparing ethanol concentration

  • Use the formula [original ethanol concentration × x = volume of solution produced × percentage of ethanol wanted] to calculate the amount of ethanol needed to produce the desired concentration
  • Calculate for x, then pour out the according measurement of 95% alcohol in an airtight bottle
  • Use the volume of the solution produced and minus the x, which would be the amount of water needed to dilute ethanol
  • Measure the amount of water calculate and pour into the airtight bottle
  • Immediately tighten the lid and lightly swirl the ethanol solution
  • Store the ethanol solution in the refrigerator [3°C~5°C] to reduce oxidation

Main experiment procedure

  • Prepare the concentrations of the ethanol solution of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35% and 40%, respectively pour each into an airtight bottle to avoid oxidation and evaporation
  • Pour 20 cm3 of the prepared potato puree solution into the conical flask set in the water bath
  • Seal the conical flask with a bung to prevent oxidation of the potato puree, and leave it for 2 minutes for catalase to reach optimal temperature with maximum enzymatic activity
  • Add 5ml of 5% ethanol solution into the conical flasks, lightly swirl the mixture and leave for 1 minute for the ethanol solution to mix and be absorbed by the potato puree
  • Pour 4ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide into the conical flask, and immediately connect the conical flask with the bung connected to the rest of the apparatus
  • Lightly swirl the conical flask to mix the hydrogen peroxide with the rest of the potato solution mixture
  • Start the stopwatch
  • At respective time intervals [15, 30, 45, 60 at each minute]
  • and observe the amount of oxygen gas produced in the measuring cylinder
  • Record the volume of gas produced in the measuring cylinder at 15-second intervals for 5 minutes
  • Repeat steps 3 to 8 for each ethanol concentration

Safety concerns

  • Wear safety goggles, a lab coat and closed toe shoes to avoid direct contact with ethanol and hydrogen peroxide
  • Tie up hair in the laboratory to avoid contact with chemicals

Ethanol and hydrogen peroxide

  • Work with ethanol and hydrogen peroxide in a well-ventilated area, avoid inhalation as both substances cause harm towards the central nervous system and the respiratory system after ingestion
  • Ethanol is highly flammable. Use ethanol in a well-ventilated area, far from any heat sources
  • Skin and eye irritation: Ethanol can be irritating to the skin and eyes. Avoid direct contact with ethanol; wear gloves and safety goggles when handling it.
  • Ethanol and hydrogen peroxide can create a hazardous situation if spilt. Clean up spills immediately, and dispose of the waste accordingly.

Ethical ImplicationsConcerns
Food Wastage

Potatoes are a food source and the use of potatoes may raise ethical concerns about food wastage. The student will minimize the use of potatoes by blending one potato at a time. The potato puree would be used in a day to prevent wasting it as it degrades after 24 hours.

Potato, Catalase and Ethanol Mixture DisposalPotato and catalase are both readily biodegradable but ethanol may cause the reduction of oxygen levels in water bodies. Therefore the mixture should not be disposed into the sink but instead in a waste bin away from any open ignition sources.

Figure 9 - Table On Ethical And Environmental Issues

Qualitative data

  • After 5 minutes of reaction, the student noticed an accumulation of small bubbles above the potato puree and hydrogen peroxide mixture indicating the production of gas from the reaction
  • After 5 minutes of reaction, the colour of the potato puree solution turned into a slightly darker hue compared to before the reaction, indicating the oxidation of the potato catalase enzyme (refer to Appendix B)

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