The gut microbiota is defined as those microorganisms that live in vertebrates’ gastrointes6nal tracts. In humans, the gut represents the main site of survival of the human microbiota composed of several microbial strains (Dahiya & Nigam, 2022). This part of the body is highly addressed because it inhibits the coloniza6on of harmful bacteria, for6fies the layer of the internal mucosa, and strengthens the overall immune system (Xinzhou, Peng, & Xin, 2021) if a healthy balance between host bacteria and gut microorganisms is kept. Recent research has confirmed that the gut microbiome can be improved by the intake of func6onal foods, products with an ac6ve live popula6on of probio6cs, like dairy products(Dahiya & Nigam, 2022) containing lac6c acid bacteria, such as Lactobacillus (Na6onal Center for Complementary and Integra6ve Health, 2019).
Bacterial survival is closely 6ed to pH levels. These microorganisms thrive best within a specific, op6mal pH range. Any devia6on from this range can result in less effec6ve growth or even the death of the bacteria. Lactobacillus bacteria can tolerate acidic environments of pH 3.50-6.80 (LibreTexts, n.d.), with an op6mum pH of 4.50-6.50 (Śliżewska & Chlebicz-Wójcik, 2020). Moreover, the pH levels along the human diges6ve tract vary from the mouth, where saliva is present, to the point of exit in the large intes6ne. Generally, gastric juices in the stomach have a pH range of 1.00-2.50, the small intes6ne maintains a pH of around 6.60, and the large intes6ne has a pH of approximately 7.00 (Evans, 1988).
What prompted my explora6on was recognizing that bacteria have an op6mum range where they grow more efficiently. This recalled the behavior of enzymes, with an op6mal temperature and pH range at which they perform becer as catalysts. If these condi6ons deviate from the norm, enzymes undergo denatura6on, rendering them ineffec6ve as catalysts. Knowing this, my previous belief in the health benefits of consuming probio6c yogurt was shacered. I couldn't comprehend how, considering the challenging journey the probio6cs must undergo, being exposed to a wide range of pHs and specially the 2 acidic environment of the stomach, they could survive and fulfill the promised contribu6on to the microbiota in the large intes6ne. This explora6on aims to determine whether probio6cs can indeed survive and thrive when they reach the large intes6ne. The poten6al outcome of this research carries significant real-world implica6ons, especially in rela6on to the yogurt food industry and its claims of health benefits. Uncovering the growth rate of probio6cs through the diges6ve system at different pHs could reveal whether these claims are accurate or poten6ally misleading.
This inves6ga6on seeks to determine whether altering pH levels would lead to the inhibi6on of the bacteria cultures of probio6cs in soy yogurt by simula6ng the pHs found in the gut. To simulate the stomach and the wall of the large intes6ne, we will use nutrient agar plates containing different pHs to grow the cultures. The bacterial solu6on will be evenly spread along the surface and leg to incubate overnight. Subsequently, three samples will be taken from each plate, and the spectrophotometer will be employed to measure the absorbance of Lactobacillus in each sample, at a wavelength of 625nm. Higher absorbance values indicate a greater presence of bacterial colonies. Before the experiment, it is essen6al to carefully select, from the variety of available yogurts, one that exhibits the most efficient growth under overnight incuba6on condi6ons. As part of the preliminary work to this inves6ga6on, I examined various types of yogurts (soy yogurt, cow-milk yogurt, protein yogurt, and lactose-free yogurt) to determine which one prompted the highest growth of bacteria, and finally chose to work with soy yogurt.
A valid hypothesis would be that exposing the probio6c Lactobacillus to pH levels significantly devia6ng from the op6mal range of 4.50-6.50 will lead to a decline in bacterial growth because enzymes will be denaturing. While, in pH condi6ons far from 3.50-6.80, bacterial growth is an6cipated to be completely inhibited.
In this experiment, the independent variable isthe different pH levels to which the probio6cs are exposed. We will use pH levels of 2.00, 3.00, 4.00, 5.00, 6.00, and 7.00, achieved by adding hydrochloric acid (HCI) for acidifica6on or sodium hydroxide (NaOH) for alkaliza6on in the nutrient agar. To ensure a consistent pH throughout the agar, HCI and NaOH will be added and thoroughly mixed before the nutrient agar solidifies.
In this experiment, the dependent variable is the growth of probio6cs such as Lactobacillus found in soy yogurt, as measured by a spectrophotometer at wavelength 625nm. A spectrophotometer(Pasco wireless) is going to measure the light absorbed ager it passes through a solu6on; a higher number of cells in the solu6on, the higher the absorbance because more light is scacered (Phillips, 2023).
Controlled variable | Unit and uncertain6es | Possible effects on the results | Method of control |
Quan6ty of yogurt | Grams (±0.01) | More yogurt may mean more bacteria to start with. | Use a scale to measure the yogurt samples. To increase the accuracy of the measurements, they should be measured to two decimal places. |
Quan6ty of agar, sucrose, and infant formula | Grams (±0.01) | The unbalanced distribu6on of agar, sucrose or infant formula in the petri dishes will impact the growth of the bacterial cultures. | With a scale, measure the nutrient agar and the sucrose. Use a concentra6on of 2 g of agar and 11g of sucrose for 110 mL of water. |
Temperature | 28°C (±0.5) | Bacteria’s growth can be affected by changes in temperature. A higher temperature could significantly increase bacterial growth, while a lower temperature could slow bacterial growth. | Use an incubator that can maintain a constant temperature of 28°C. |
Wavelength of the spectrophotometer | AU (±0.001) | For accurate and comparable absorbance measurements, it is essen6al to use the same wavelength for each trial of the experiment. If not, it could lead to the misinterpreta6on of the results. | Calibrate the spectrophotometer with a wavelength of 625nm in every trial. |
Time | Hours (±0.2) | If the 6me of incuba6on is not equal for every trial, some agar plates might show more bacterial growth than others. | Get all the agar plates in and out of the incubator at the same 6me. Incubate for 12 hours. |
Size of the sample taken from agar plates. | 2cm in diameter | A larger size may contain more bacteria because it has more surface area for bacterial growth. | A uniform size sample (2 cm) will be cut using the mouth of a test tube. |
Figure 1 - Table on controlled variables
As a first approach, we tried two methods to culture bacteria from four different probio6c yogurts (cow milk yogurt, protein yogurt, soy yogurt, and lactose-free yogurt) to select the most suitable op6ons for our inves6ga6on. Ager using a streak method and dilu6ng the yogurt in dis6lled water on separate plates, the most substan6al growth (appendix table 6) was seen in the plates containing soy yogurt diluted in dis6lled water. Therefore, we have chosen this technique and yogurt for the experiment.
Identify the risk | Evaluate the risk | Control the risk |
HCL and NaOH | Can cause eye damage, even blindness, if splashed in the eyes. Addi6onally, direct contact with the skin may result in severe burns, capable of forming blisters. | Wear a lab coat, gloves, and safety googles. |
Bunsen burner | It produces a flame which can pose a fire hazard if not properly used. In addi6on, direct contact with the flame can cause burns. | Use heat-resistant gloves when handling the Bunsen burner and equipment disinfected with it. Addi6onally, remember to turn off the Bunsen burner when it is not in use. |
Hot agar | When handling and pouring the agar into the petri dishes, there is a poten6al risk of burns. | Wear heat-resistant gloves. |
Bacteria grown in plates | Failure to dispose the bacteriaEnsur safely may result in laboratory contamina6on, poten6ally causing interference with other experiments. Addi6onally, it can lead to the contamina6on of the environment. | Ensure the safe disposal of bacterial plates by placing them in a properly labeled “infec6ous waste” bag. Later, send it to the university next door to be autoclaved. |
Figure 4 - table on
Qualitative - Petri dishes containing cultures with pH levels of 5.00 and 6.00 exhibited a consistently large, yellow culture at the center of the plates. Plates with pH levels of 3.00, 4.00, and 7.00 displayed a less dense, uniform culture on the surface of the agar. No visible change was observed in plates with a pH of 2.00. Furthermore, pH 5.00 plates displayed the presence of white dots.
The average of this data will be calculated for each pH to facilitate the iden6fica6on of pacerns. The equa6on for the mean is the following-
\(\bar x = \frac{\Sigma^{n}_{i=1}xi}{n}\)
\(\bar x \) - mean
n - number of trials
i - the index
Calcula6ng the mean for pH 3.00 -
\(\bar x\) = 0.235 + 0.219 + 0.171 + 0.234 + 0.238 + 0.224 + 0.234 + 0.235 + 0.172 9 = 0.218
The popula6on's standard devia6on will also be calculated to incorporate error bars on the average graph. A greater devia6on indicates lower precision in the data. The equa6on for the standard devia6on is the following-
\(\sigma = \sqrt \frac{∑((x_i− \mu)^2}{n}\)
σ - the standard devia6on
μ - the mean
n - the number of data points
\(x_i\)- each of the values of the data
Calcula6ng the standard devia6on for pH 3.00 -
\(\sigma = \sqrt{\frac{\Sigma(x_i-\mu)^2}{9}}=0.027\)
pH (±0.01) | Average absorbance taken at 625nm (±0.001AU) | Standard deviation |
2.00 | 0.025 | 0.025 |
3.00 | 0.218 | 0.027 |
4.00 | 0.296 | 0.067 |
5.00 | 0.372 | 0.049 |
6.00 | 0.361 | 0.055 |
7.00 | 0.308 | 0.029 |
Figure 6 - Averages and the standard devia5on of the absorbance of bacteria grown in different pH mediums.
The chart illustrates a consistent rise in Lactobacillus absorbance as pH increases. The curve starts at pH 2.00 with an almost inhibited growth of the bacteria. Due to the acidic condi6ons, a 6ny frac6on of the bacteria could survive to divide and increase the popula6on. From there, the graph follows a pacern of growth that persists un6l it reaches a peak absorbance at pH 5.00, ager which the absorbance begins to decrease. From there on, there is a progressive and slow decline in absorbance as the pH increases. The absorbance at pH 6.00 closely approximates the absorbance at pH 5.00 but diverges significantly from pH 7.00, which indicates the steady and notable decline starts at pH 6.00. The best pH to cul6vate Lactobacillus, based on this informa6on, is between 5.00 and 6.00. This was overly expected as the op6mal pH range of Lactobacillus is said to lay between 4.50 and 6.50 (Śliżewska & Chlebicz-Wójcik, 2020).
There is a considerable degree of uncertainty in the results, as indicated by the significant scacer represented in the length of the error bars, derived from the standard devia6on of the collected data. A likely reason for this could be acributed to the procedure itself. When immersing the agar pieces into 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 2 3 4 5 6 7 Absorbance ( ± 0.001AU) pH (± 0.01) Average absorbance for each pH 10 dis6lled water to detach the bacteria grown on the surface, some may have remained acached. This limita6on is acributed to the limited materials available in the school.
A T-test was conducted to assess whether a significant difference existed between pH levels, given the considerable overlap of error bars for each pH. A 5% significance level was adopted, assuming the hypothesis is supported by data with an expected error of a 5%. With 16 as degrees of freedom, the cri6cal value was established at 1.746. Acceptance of the alterna6ve hypothesis occurs when values surpass 1.746, indica6ng a significant difference between the samples.
Overlapping pHs (±0.01) | p-value |
3.00 and 4.00 | 3.239 |
4.00 and 5.00 | 2.747 |
4.00 and 6.00 | 2.250 |
4.00 and 7.00 | 0.493 |
5.00 and 6.00 | 0.448 |
5.00 and 7.00 | 3.372 |
6.00 and 7.00 | 2.557 |
Figure 8 - Table on T-test for those pair of values whose error bars overlapped. The highlighted sec5ons show which values support the alterna5ve hypothesis.
The t-test shows that there is a sta6s6cally significant difference between pH 4.00 and pH 5.00, and between pH 4.00 and pH 6.00. However, between pH 5.00 and pH 6.00 the results may be due to chance, being non sta6s6cally significant. Addi6onally, between pH 5.00 and pH 7.00, and between pH 6.00 and pH 7.00 there is also a sta6s6cal significance. Between pH 4.00 and pH 7.00 the results are not significantly different. Both pH 4.00 and 7.00 fell outside the op6mal growth range, having similar absorbances as seen in the graph. This similarity explains the lack of significant difference between the results. Furthermore, the op6mal growth was seen by a plateau in absorbance at a range of pHs between 5.00 and 6.00, explaining the non-significant difference between these pH levels.
Overall, the pH values that were significantly different support the ini6al hypothesis that pH directly influences the growth rate of probio6cs.
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