Chemistry SL
Chemistry SL
Sample Internal Assessment
Sample Internal Assessment
11 mins Read
11 mins Read
2,039 Words
2,039 Words

Inspection of the trend in amount of heat absorbed on dissolution of Group-I nitrates down the group

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I have always wondered about how stuff works and what is the science behind it. Observing incidents and phenomenon in daily life and understanding the science behind it is what am always been passionate about it. Being a sportsman, using ice-packs is very common for me. I have always wondered, how ‘ice-packs’ works and what is the chemical composition of it. After some research, I came to Know that ice packs use endothermic reactions. These ice-packs contains salts like ammonium nitrates and other Group-I nitrates. These salts when dissolved in water is an endothermic reaction. After discussion with my teacher, I understood how the concepts of enthalpy of solution and enthalpy of hydration is related to it. These topics, when taught during the classes for Topic-5 did not seem so interesting but when I got to know about a real life application for these topics, I got more interested towards it. Thus, when these salts are dissolved they cause reduction of temperature through absorption of heat. The composition of ice packs are not same everywhere. Most of the commercially available ice packs contains nitrate salts – ammonium nitrate, calcium nitrate, urea. Nowadays, reusable ice packs are also available which mainly contains water along with some chemicals that reduces the freezing point of water (Shaaban Khalil). The commonly used reagents added along with water are silica gel, propylene glycol and other polyacrylate crystals. Choice of chemicals while making an ice pack is thus an important factor to be considered. This brought me to the question- if the type of nitrates inside the ice packs are varied, how will the effectiveness of the ice pack change. Thus, I arrived at the research question given below.


Is there a trend in the magnitude of heat absorbed (measured in J) on dissolution of Group-I nitrates (LiN03, NaNO3 and KNO3) down the group from Li to K, determined using calorimetry?

Background information

Enthalpy of solution

Enthalpy change when 1 mole of an ionic compound is dissolved in water is known as the enthalpy of solution (Bazhin).


For example, NaCl (s) + excess H2O NaCl (aq) ∆Hsolution of NaCl


The enthalpy of solution is related to two other enthalpy changes - ∆Hlattice and ∆Hhydration. The energy cycle shown below will establish the relationship: 

  • Ifza Elahi
    Ifza Elahi

    15+ yrs of experience, 100% 7s, Global Expertise, Digital Pro,

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  • Figure 1 - Energy Cycle Diagram Of MX (S) (Made By Author)

    Applying Hess’s law, we have,


    1 =  2 + 3 + 4




    Hsolution of MNO3 = ∆Hlattice of MNO3 + ∆Hhydration of M+ + ∆Hhydration of NO3-

    Determination of heat absorbed

    The amount of heat absorbed can be calculated using the equation given below-


    Q = m.c.∆t


    where, m = mass of the solution


    t = change of temperature = initial temperature – final temperature


    As per assumptions made that the density of solution = density of water (1 g/cm3 ) and heat capacity of the


    Mass of the solution = Volume of the solution × Density of the solution = V (in cm3 ) X 1 g cm-3 = V g




    Q = V.4.184. ∆t


    The magnitude of ∆t will be determined graphically. 50 cm3 of water will be taken and salt will be added to it after a certain time period. The temperature of the solution will be monitored against time and the temperature versus time graph will be used to calculate ∆t graphically as illustrated below: The red line represents the temperature of water before the salt was added. The blue line represents the temperature of the solution after the salt was added. So, a perpendicular is drawn from the point when the salt was added and the perpendicular intersects the red and the blue line. The intersection point shows the initial and the final temperature and thus the value of ∆t can be determined.

  • Ifza Elahi
    Ifza Elahi

    15+ yrs of experience, 100% 7s, Global Expertise, Digital Pro,

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  • Figure 2 - Temperature Versus Time Curve (Made By Author)

    Relation between enthalpy of solution and heat absorbed

    The enthalpy of solution is the heat change when 1 mole of the salt is dissolved in water. Thus, the heat absorbed would be related to the enthalpy of solution in the following way:


    Q = n × ∆Hsolution of MNO3


    Q = heat absorbed


    n = number of moles


    Hsolution of MNO3 = enthalpy of solution of MNO3


    As stated earlier, the enthalpy of solution and the heat absorbed is given as per the equation – Q = n × ∆Hsolution of MNO3


    Thus, if the number of moles is kept constant, the heat absorbed increases as the ∆Hsolution of MNO3 increases. The values of ∆Hsolution are - 12.51 kJ mol-1 , 35.00 kJ mol-1 and 49.00 kJ mol-1 for LiNO3, NaNO3 and KNO3 respectively (Kinchin et al.). Hence, if the number of moles of the salt taken is 0.1,


    Q for LiNO3 = 0.1 × ∆Hsolution of LiNO3 = 0.1 × 12.5 kJ = 1.25 kJ = 1250 J


    Q for NaNO3 = 0.1 × ∆Hsolution of NaNO3 = 0.1 × 3500 kJ = 3.50 kJ = 3500 J


    Q for KNO3 = 0.1 × ∆Hsolution of KNO3 = 0.1 × 49.00 kJ = 4.90 kJ = 4900 J


    Thus, the values of heat absorbed increases as we go down the group from Li to K.

  • Ifza Elahi
    Ifza Elahi

    15+ yrs of experience, 100% 7s, Global Expertise, Digital Pro,

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  • Variables

    Independent – Type of Group-I nitrates

    The three Group-I nitrates are chosen – LiNO3, NaNO3 and KNO3. As the nitrates chosen are of the first three alkali metals, study of the amount of heat absorbed will give us the trend down the group.

    Dependent – Heat absorbed (Q in J)
    The temperature of the solution will be measured over a period of time and the value of change of temperature will be calculated graphically. These values will be used to calculate the heat absorbed.
    Figure 3 - Table On Variables
    Reason of control
    Method of control
    Volume of solution
    As the mass of the solution depends on the volume of the solution, the volume of the solution must be kept constant.

    50.00 cm3 of distilled water was taken. A burette was used to control this volume.

    Number of moles of solute added

    As indicated in the equation between enthalpy of solution is related to the heat absorbed according to the equation Q = n × ∆H, the number of moles must be kept constant.

    0.1 moles of the salt was added in all case.
    Type of anion in the salt
    The heat absorbed will depend on the type of the ionic compound. It will depend on the type of the cation and anions. In this case, the cation is varied and the type of anion was kept constant.

    The salts used are LiNO3, NaNO3 and KNO3. So, the type of anion is used nitrate.

    Figure 4 - Table On List Of Controlled Variables
    Figure 5 - Table On Materials Required
    Least count
    0.01 s
    ± 0.01 s
    Polystyrene cup.
    Thermometer probe & Vernier Logger Pro
    0.010 C
    ± 0.01o C
    Glass beaker
    Electronic mass balance
    0.01 g
    ± 0.01 g
    Watch glass

    0.10 cm3

    ± 0.10 cm3

    Figure 6 - Table On Apparatus Required

    Safety considerations

    The considerations are made in reference to the MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet):

    May catch fire easily as it is flammable in nature.
    There should not be any source of fire near the experimental set up.
    May cause irritating sensations on physical exposure to body.
    Laboratory coats must be worn. Safety gloves must be worn.
    May damage eyes if it comes in touch.
    Wear a safety goggles.
    May be harmful if consumed.
    Any chemical consumed must not be consumed.
    Figure 7 - Table On Safety Considerations

    Ethical considerations

    The experiment has been done in a way so that minimum amount of chemicals are used. For example- only 0.1 moles of the salt were added. To get a proper reading thus, 50 cm3 of water was used instead of 100 cm3 . The experiment was performed under the supervision of a laboratory personnel.

    Environmental considerations

    The nitrate salts used are toxic in nature. They will cause serious dangers to the ecosystem. So, the unused solutions must be disposed carefully. Initially, large amount of tap water was added to dilute the solutions and then they were flushed off the drain.


    • A burette was taken and filled with distilled water. It must be taken care of that there are no bubbles in the water column inside the beaker.
    • A 100 cm3 glass beaker was taken and a polystyrene cup was placed inside it.
    • The glass beaker was kept on a magnetic stirrer.
    • A temperature probe was connected to a Vernier Logger Pro and calibrated using boiling water and ice.
    • 6.89 (0.10 moles) ± 0.01 g of LiNO3 was weighed on a watch glass using a spatula.
    • The water in the burette was emptied into the polystyrene cup inside the glass beaker.
    • The stop-watch was started and the temperature of the water in the beaker was recorded using the temperature probe. Temperature was recorded at an interval 0f 30 seconds till 2 minutes 30 seconds (150 seconds).
    • At 3.00 minutes, the weighed solid will be added to water.
    • The temperature was recorded again at an interval of 30 seconds till 10 minutes.
    • Repeat the same process with 8.49 g (0.10 moles) of NaNO3 and 10.11 g (0.10 moles) of KNO3.
  • Ifza Elahi
    Ifza Elahi

    15+ yrs of experience, 100% 7s, Global Expertise, Digital Pro,

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  • Data collection

    Figure 8 - Table On Data Collection

    Data processing

    Figure 9 - Showing Variation Of Temperature Against Time For LiNO3

    In Figure-8, the temperature for the dissolution of Li(NO3)3 in ± 0.01°C was plotted against time in ± 0.01 s. Two trend lines were plotted as indicated by the red dotted lines. A perpendicular (a black dotted line) has been drawn from x = 180.00 ± 0.01 s which intersects these two trend lines. The co-ordinates of these two points has been also displayed in the graph in the form of (x,y). The standard errors of each data point have been also shown. The intersection of the black dotted line and the lower red dotted line which is (180.00,29.20) here is used to find the final temperature while the intersection of the black dotted line and the upper red dotted line which is (180.00, 35.00) is used to determine the final temperature.


    Initial temperature (t1) = 35.00 ± 0.01°C


    Final temperature (t2) = 29.20 ± 0.01 °C


    Change in temperature (∆t) = t2 – t1 = (35.00 ± 0.01°C) – (29.20 ± 0.010 °C) = 5.80 ± 0.02 C


    Similar calculations were done for NaNO3 and KNO3.

  • Ifza Elahi
    Ifza Elahi

    15+ yrs of experience, 100% 7s, Global Expertise, Digital Pro,

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  • Figure 10 - Showing Variation Of Temperature Against Time For Sodium Nitrate

    Initial temperature (t1) = 35.50 ± 0.01 °C


    Final temperature (t2) = 19.20 ± 0.01 °C


    Change in temperature (∆t) = t2 – t1 = (35.50 ± 0.01°C) – (19.20 ± 0.010 °C) = 16.30 ± 0.02 °C

    Figure 11 - Showing Variation Of Temperature Against Time For Potassium Nitrate

    Initial temperature (t1) = 35.50 ± 0.01 °C


    Final temperature (t2) = 12.90 ± 0.01 °C


    Change in temperature (∆t) = t2t1 = (35.50 ± 0.01 °C) – (12.90 ± 0.010 °C) = 22.60 ± 0.02 °C

    Data analysis

    Salt used
    Change of temperature ± 0.02 °C
    Heat change in J
    Percentage uncertainty






    Figure 12 - Table On Calculation Of Heat Change Of The Solution

    Sample calculation

    Water was added using a burette.


    So, volume of solution added


    = Final burette reading – Initial burette reading


    = (50.00 ± 0.05 cm3) – (0.00 ± 0.05 cm3)


    = 50.00 ± 0.10 cm3


    Mass of solution (m) = (Volume of solution added × Density of solution ) = (50.00 ± 0.10 cm3) × ( 1.00 g cm-3) = 50.00 g


    [It has been assumed that the density of the solution is equal to the density of water and is thus considered to be 1.00 g cm-3]


    Heat change (Q) = (mass × heat capacity × change in temperature) = (m × C × ∆t) = (50.00 × 4.18 × 5.80) = 1212.20 J


    [It has been assumed that the heat capacity of the solution is equal to the heat capacity of the water which is 4.18 J g-1 °C-1]

  • Ifza Elahi
    Ifza Elahi

    15+ yrs of experience, 100% 7s, Global Expertise, Digital Pro,

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  • Impact of uncertainty

    Q = mC ∆t


    Mass of solution (m) = Volume × Density


    As the density is taken from the literature value, the absolute error is taken only for volume.


    Absolute uncertainty in mass (∆m) = ± 0.10


    Fractional uncertainty in mass = \(\frac{∆m}{m}=\frac{0.10}{50.00}\)


    Change of temperature (∆t) = 5.80 ± 0.02 °C


    Fractional uncertainty in change of temperature = \(\frac{∆(∆t)}{∆t}=\frac{0.02}{5.80}\)


    Fractional uncertainty in heat change




    Percentage uncertainty in heat change = \(\frac{∆q}{q}× 100 =(\frac{0.10}{50.00}+\frac{0.02}{5.80}) × 100 = 0.54\)

    Figure 13 - Bar Graph Comparing The Values Of Heat Change For Dissolution Of Lithium Nitrate, Sodium Nitrate And Potassium Nitrate

    The bar graph above compares the values of heat change in J against the type of Group-I nitrates. The values obtained for LiNO3, NaNO3 and KNO3 are 1212.20 J, 3406.70 J and 4723.40 J respectively. The data shows that as we go down the group from Li to K, the values are increasing. The values are positive which clearly shows that the process is endothermic. Thus, the process of dissolution of alkali metal nitrates becomes more endothermic as we go down the group from Li to K. This means that as we go down the group from Li to K, more heat is absorbed when the salt is dissolved. The sign of the heat change is positive in all cases which confirms that heat is absorbed by the system and the process is endothermic in all cases.

  • Ifza Elahi
    Ifza Elahi

    15+ yrs of experience, 100% 7s, Global Expertise, Digital Pro,

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  • Salt
    Literature value
    Experimental value
    Percentage error






    Figure 14 - Table On Comparison With Calculated Values

    Sample calculation -


    Percentage error = \(\frac{literature\ value-experimental\ value}{literature\ value}×100=\frac{1250.00-1212.00}{1250.00}×100=3.02\)

    Figure 15 - Showing Calculated And Experimental Values Of Heat Of Dissolution Of Group-I Nitrates

    In all cases, the error is a positive error which means that the experimental value is lower than the calculated value. This indicates that the decrease in temperature on dissolving the salt is lower than expected. This may have happened because of heat exchange between the surroundings and the system (beaker with the solution) which is an inevitable methodological limitation in this investigation. To be more clear, if the temperature of water is expected to decrease to 25.000 °C from 35.00 °C, it has decreased to 26.00 °C instead (random values has been chosen to ease the discussion). This may have happened as the solution in the beaker may have absorbed some heat from the surroundings even after the nitrate is dissolved which has finally elevated the temperature from the desired value. This discussion makes it evident that there is a methodological limitation involved in this investigation which is the exchange of heat between the system and surrounding.

    Scientific justification

    As we move down the group from Li to K, the magnitude of heat change increases; the process of dissolution becomes more endothermic. As we descend down the group, the electrons are added to new shells; the outermost electrons move away from the nucleus; the ionic size of the cation increases. This increase in ionic size interferes with the solubility of the ions. When an ionic lattice is dissolved in the solution, the lattice dissociates into its respective cations and anions. These ions are then encapsulated (surrounded by) the water molecules. The dissolution of nitrate salts is endothermic as the stability of the system increases as the salts are dissolved.


    MNO3 (s) → M+ (aq) +. NO3 - (aq)


    As the reaction is endothermic, it is clear that the products are less stable than the reactants. It means that the dissolved ions (M+ ion and NO3 - ions surrounded by water) are less stable than the ionic lattice. The amount of heat absorbed or technically the heat change / energy change depends on how much the stability of the system is decreasing as we move from the reactant side to the product side. As the stability of the system decreases more on moving from the ionic lattice to the dissolved ions, the amount of heat change is more and thus the energy change is more and thus the heat absorbed will be of higher value. The stability of the product side which is the dissolved ions depends on the interaction of the water molecules with the cations and anions. As we go down the group from Li to K, the size of the ions is increasing; dissolving the cations becomes more difficult and thus the interaction of the water molecules with the ions is getting weaker and this in turn decreases the stability of the dissolved ions. Due to this, there is more decrease in stability going from the reactant to the product side as we move from Li to K.


    As we move from Li to K, the size of the ions increases, the interaction of the ions and the water molecules becomes weaker, the stability on the product side (dissolved ions) decreases, there is more decrease of stability on moving from the reactant side (ionic lattice) to the product side (dissolved ions) ; energy difference is more between the reactant side and the product side; more heat is absorbed. This explanation is perfectly in coherence with the fact that the magnitude of enthalpy of dissolution of the Group-I nitrates increases (becomes more endothermic) as we are moving down the group from Li to K. (Refer to Hypothesis for the values).


    Is there a trend in the magnitude of heat absorbed (measured in J) on dissolution of Group-I nitrates (LiN03, NaNO3 and KNO3) down the group from Li to K, determined using calorimetry?


    The values obtained for heat change for dissolution of LiNO3, NaNO3 and KNO3 are 1212.20 J, 3406.70 J and 4723.40 J respectively. The data shows that as we go down the group from Li to K, the values are increasing. This means that as we go down the group from Li to K, more heat is absorbed when the salt is dissolved. As we move down the group from Li to K, the magnitude of heat change increases; the process of dissolution becomes more endothermic. As we move from Li to K, the size of the ions increases, the interaction of the ions and the water molecules becomes weaker, the stability on the product side (dissolved ions) decreases, there is more decrease of stability on moving from the reactant side (ionic lattice) to the product side (dissolved ions) ; energy difference is more between the reactant side and the product side; more heat is absorbed. The hypothesis is thus considered to be valid. The qualitative observations are in agreement with the conclusion made. The beaker appeared colder on touching in case of NaNO3 in comparison to that in case of LiNO3 and coldest in case of KNO3

  • Ifza Elahi
    Ifza Elahi

    15+ yrs of experience, 100% 7s, Global Expertise, Digital Pro,

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  • Evaluation


    • If Figure - 9,10 and 11 are observed than two striking features can be noted. Firstly, the data points for the temperature of the water is same and there is no much variation as indicated by the fact that the trend line (red dotted line at the top) is almost perpendicular to the x axes. Secondly, the data points obtained after the salt was added at 180.00 s, are also obeying a trend line (red dotted line in the lower part) which again shows that there is not much temperature fluctuation after the loss of heat from the beaker to the surrounding on dissolving the salt. The existence of trend lines (one red dotted line in the top and one in the bottom) being almost perpendicular to the x axes clearly denotes that there is enough precision in the data collected.
    • Figure - 14 shows the value of the percentage error obtained in reference to the calculated values obtained. The values are significantly less and thus claim a high level of accuracy in the data calculated for heat change. This definitely shows that the design of this investigation is reliable.
    • The procedure to perform the data collection is pretty simple and does not involve any chemicals which is extremely hazardous or poisonous and not allowed to be used.


    Figure 16 - Table On Limitations

    Further scope of research

    As already discussed in the rationale, ice packs also contain water mixed with cooling reagents apart from aqueous solutions of nitrate salts. One of the most common cooling agent is ethylene glycol which is a dihydric alcohol. I would like to investigate if the mass of ethylene glycol added has an effect on the temperature depression or not. I would like to take specific volume of water, add various mass of ethylene glycol and measure the decrease of temperature in each case. The decrease of temperature can be estimated using a temperature versus time graph as done in this case. Thus, we can understand if there is a relationship between the mass of ethylene glycol we are adding and the decrease of temperature of water.


    Bazhin, Nikolai. “The Born Formula Describes Enthalpy of Ions Solvation.” ISRN Thermodynamics, vol. 2012, 2012, pp. 1–3. (Crossref), doi:10.5402/2012/204104.


    Kinchin, A. N., et al. “Pitzer Equation for the Enthalpy of Solution of Electrolytes in N,N- Dimethylformamide in a Wide Temperature Range.” Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering, vol. 34, no. 4, July 2000, pp. 351–55. (Crossref), doi:10.1007/BF02758683.


    Shaaban Khalil, Nahla. “Effect of Application of Ice Pack on Reducing Pain during the Arterial Puncture.” Clinical Practice, vol. 14, no. 4, 2017. (Crossref), doi:10.4172/clinical- practice.1000115.

  • Ifza Elahi
    Ifza Elahi

    15+ yrs of experience, 100% 7s, Global Expertise, Digital Pro,

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