Chemistry SL
Chemistry SL
Sample Internal Assessment
Sample Internal Assessment
11 mins Read
11 mins Read
2,157 Words
2,157 Words

Effect of storage time and type of fruits on mass percentage of citric acid available

Table of content

Research question

How does the mass percentage of citric acid available from citrus fruits (lemon, lime, oranges) depends on the storage time and the types of citrus fruits and fresh lime taken?


Citrus fruits are a regular part of my diet and during this Covid-19 a lot of health experts had advised to consume more of the citrus fruits as they used to build our immunity. Therefore, I had made it a habit to prepare these juices and store it in the refrigerator so I could drink it whenever I want. However, I observed that the flavor of the juice is changing over time which made me curious, “Why does the flavour of the juice change over time ?” and “What are the sources for citric acid ?” . I wanted to understand why this change in flavour took place; is this also affecting the nutritional value. I also investigate whether this change in nutritional value is the same for all citrus fruits or varies among fruits. This would help me understand what is the best citrus fruit which is  safest to store for longer periods of time and which has least change in flavour, proving the best fruit juice to be consumed. As I had so many questions about this topic I decided to do some research to help me understand this, I came across an article which discusses the key ingredient in citrus fruits, which is citric acid itself and the article explained how there are different amounts of citric acid in the different fruits. I made the connections to the concept learned during Chemistry class like the concept of titration as an analytical procedure for quantitative estimations of acids and bases. I realized I wanted to connect something I learned from class and to understand how to apply it to real life applications and planned to use it in an experiment.

Background information

Citric acid: is a weak organic acid that has the molecular formula C6H8O7. It occurs naturally in citrus fruits. It belongs to the functional group carboxylic acid group. It is naturally found in citrus fruits like lemon, lime, orange, grapefruits, pomelos and is used widely in industry as an acidifier, as a flavoring and chelating agent. Citric is soluble in Water and dissolves in absolute (anhydrous) ethanol. Citric acid is a weak organic acid present naturally in living cells. Citric acid is an alpha-hydroxy acid with a three carbon skeleton, which has three carboxylic acid groups (COOH), and one hydroxyl group (OH). It is used as a cleaning agent which is used on a daily basis in the kitchen. It is used to add a sour taste to soft drinks and other food items, in shampoos, food coloring. It is a natural preservative. It is used to remove the chalky deposit from evaporators, kettles, boilers.

  • Ifza Elahi
    Ifza Elahi

    15+ yrs of experience, 100% 7s, Global Expertise, Digital Pro,

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  • Figure 1 -

    Reaction of citric acid with NaOH

    • Word Equation: Citric Acid Sodium Hydroxide → Sodium Citrate Water
    • Chemical Equation: C6H8O7 (aq) + 3NaOH (aq) →  C6H5O7Na3 (aq)+ 3H2O4 (aq)
    Figure 2 -

    When you look at the structure of citric acid, you can see that there are three carboxylic acid groups, which mean that there need to three NaOH for each of the atoms to react with each one of them

    Method used to find citric acid content

    Titration is a qualitative analysis technique that can be used to calculate the concentration of an unknown solution with the use of a solution with a known concentration. The process is usually carried out by gradually adding a standard solution ( solution of known concentration) of titration titrant with a  burette essentially a long, graduated measuring tube with a stopcock and a delivery tube at its lower end until the color change at the end point. The change in color occurs due to use of indicator, usual phenolphthalein3


  • Ifza Elahi
    Ifza Elahi

    15+ yrs of experience, 100% 7s, Global Expertise, Digital Pro,

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  • Null hypothesis

    The citric acid percentage content of each fruit (lemon lime, orange will does not depend on storage time.

    Alternate hypothesis

    The citric acid percentage content of each fruit (lemon lime, orange will does not depend on storage time.

    Figure 3 - Table On Variables
    Why is it controlled?
    How is it controlled?
    Apparatus used
    Volume of the juice taken
    The volume of the juice taken needs to be constant as it will also change the amount of citric acid in the juice causing errors to experiment.

    20.00 ± 0.05 cm3 of juice extracts, diluted in distilled water of 100cm3 and then taking 20cm3 n

    Graduated pipette Beaker
    Concentration of the NaOH
    These chemicals are the Different concentrations of NaOH and may affect the rate of reaction. Hence, causing an effect on the burette reading.

    A constant of  0.01 mol/dm3 was taken on all the trials.

    Digital Mass Balance Volumetric flask
    Accuracy of the indicator depends on the type of indicator used
    Phenolphthalein is used as the indicator in all the titration, as a strong base is used which is suitable for its suef. Any errors due to incciat, there will be constant error in titrations.
    Dropper Phenolphthalein
    Storage conditions
    storage condition can have an affect the biological composition of the juices
    The same storage conditions are used for all the juices.
    Refrigerator (40 ℉/ 4℃)
    Figure 4 - Table On List Of Controlled Variables
    Least count
    Digital mass balance

    ±0.01 cm3



    50 cm3


    ±0.5 cm3


    ±0.5 cm3

    Volumetric flask

    100 cm3


    ±0.01 cm3


    Glass Rod
    Conical flask

    100 cm3


    ±0.01 cm3


    Burette stand
    Graduated measuring cylinder

    50 cm3


    ± 0.01 cm3

    Watch glass
    Labrotarty Coat
    Safety Mask
    Figure 5 - Table On List Of Apparatus Required
    Figure 6 - Table On List Of Materials Required
    Safety concern
    Precautions to be taken
    Sodium Hydroxide causes lungs or nasal passages, irritation of the skin, and eyes.
    • Protective clothing like gloves, lab coats and safety goggles were used.
    • No chemicals were ingested or exposed to skin.
    • All solutions were prepared and transferred carefully to avoid spillage.
    Figure 7 - Table On Safety Precautions

    Ethical considerations

    • Chemicals were used in a manner that avoids wastage.
    • All chemicals were disposed off into a chemical waste bin to avoid interaction with the environment.
    • Unused chemicals were returned to the laboratory, safely.

    Environmental considerations

    Minimal amount of chemicals were used to conduct trials, keeping in mind the economic concerns and environmental effects.

  • Ifza Elahi
    Ifza Elahi

    15+ yrs of experience, 100% 7s, Global Expertise, Digital Pro,

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  • Procedure

    Preparing 100 cm3 of 0.1 NaOH solution

    Molar The solution made has to be a volume of 100 cm3 and concentration 0.1 mol dm-3  -3.


    Thus, the number of moles can be calculated from the formula:


    Number of moles (n) = molar concentration ( C)  X     volume in dm3 (V )\((0.010 X\frac{100}{1000})\) = 0.001


    Mass of NaOH to be used


    = number of moles X Molar Mass= 0.001 X 39.997


    = 0.039997 g


    = 0.04 g (rounded of two decimal places)

    Preparation of Juices

    • For lemon, squeeze it to remove the juice into a beaker. For lime and lemon use a machine to remove the juice and pour into a beaker.
    • Filtrate the juice using a funnel with filter pare, empty the filtrate in another beaker.
    • First rinse the pipette with some distilled  water.
    • Take 20.00 ±0.05 cm3 of the juice from the filtrate using a pipette into a 100cm3 flask
    • Juice should be diluted by adding distilled water until the mark reaches 100 cm3, start it using a glass rod.
    • Pouring the solution in a fresh beaker and use a pipette to take 20.00 ±0.05 cm3 again
    • Pour this into a conical flask, then add a few drops of phenolphthalein indicator

    Titration of the juice with NaOH

    • Take initial reading of NaOH  from the burette (two decimal places)
    • Drop NaOH into the juice slowly, drop by drop until the color changes pink
    • Check and the record the reading on the burette
    • Calculate amount of NaOH (initial reading -  final reading)
    • Calculate the moles of citric acid reading to the NaOH, use this information to calculate the mass of citric acid.
    • Using this information calculate the percentage of mass
    • The data was collected in 3 trials and the same procedure was repeated for lemon juice, orange juice.
    • All steps were repeated for 5 days, three trials and the same procedure for all three fruits.
  • Ifza Elahi
    Ifza Elahi

    15+ yrs of experience, 100% 7s, Global Expertise, Digital Pro,

    Video Course

  • Data collection

    Figure 8 - Table On Titration Of Lime Juice With NaOH Against Days

    Sample calculation

    For Day 1, Trial-1


    Initial burette reading = 0.00 ± 0.05 cm3


    Final burette reading = 7.20 ± 0.05 cm3


    Difference in burette reading = Final – Initial = (7.20 ± 0.05 cm3) – (0.00 ± 0.05 cm3) = 7.20 ± 0.10 cm3


    As the data collected is of acid base titration, the reading that is repeated (concordant or precise reading) has been chosen as an average instead of calculating arithmetic average to procure more accurate data.


    For example, for Day-1, the three trial values for difference in burette readings are 7.20 ± 0.05 cm3, 7.00 ± 0.05 cm3 and 7.00 ± 0.05 cm3 respectively. So, the reading 7.00 ± 0.05 cm3 repeats itself twice and is thus the precise or concordant reading. Thus, the average reading is taken as 7.00 ± 0.05 cm3


    For Day-1, Standard deviation (SD) = \(\frac{(7.20-7.00 )^2+(7.00-7.00)^2 +(7.00-7.00)^2}{3} = 0.12\)

    Figure 9 - Table On Titration Of Lemon Juice With NaOH Against Days
    Figure 10 - Table On Titration Of Orange Juice With NaOH Against Days
    Figure 11 -Table On Determination Of Mass % Of Citric Acid For Lemon, Lime And Orange Juice

    Sample calculation

    Citric acid reacts with NaOH according to the equation




    Moles of citric acid ( n citric acid ) = \(\frac{moles\ of \ NaOH}{3} \, \, \, \,(as\ they \ citric \ acid \ and\ NaOH\ reacts\ in\ the \ ratio\ 1:3)\)  


    \(= \frac{molar\ concentration \ of \ NaOH\ used\ ×\ \frac{Average\ volume \ of \ NaOH \ taken \ in\ cm^3}{1000} }{3}=\frac{0.0×\frac{7.00}{1000}}{3}  = 2.33 × 10-4\)

    Molar concentration of citric acid


    \(=\frac{number\ of\ moles\ of \ citric\ acid }{\frac{Volume\ of \ juice\ used\ in \ cm^3}{1000}}=\frac{2.33× 10^{-4} }{\frac{20}{1000}}=\frac{2.33× 10^{-4} }{{20 × 10^{-3}}} = 0.1165 × 10-1\) \(a\) \(b\)


    = 11.65 × 10-3 mol dm-3


    Moles of citric acid present within 1 dm3 or 1 L  of juice = 11.65 × 10-3 mol


    Mass of citric acid present within 1 dm3 of juice


    = moles × molar mass = 11.65 × 10-3 × 192.12


    = 2238.19 × 10-= 2.238 g ≅ 2.24 g


    Concentration of citric acid = 2.24 g L-1

  • Ifza Elahi
    Ifza Elahi

    15+ yrs of experience, 100% 7s, Global Expertise, Digital Pro,

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  • Error propagation

    For Day-1 of lime juice

    Average volume of NaOH = Precise reading among the three trial values of difference in burette reading = 7.00 ± 0.10 cm3


    Concentration of NaOH solution used (c) = \(\frac{moles }{Volume}=\frac{mass (m) }{\frac{molar \ mass}{Volume(V)}}\)


    \(\frac{∆ \ c}{c}=\frac{∆ \ m }{ m}+\frac{∆\ V }{V}\frac{± 0.01 }{0.40}+\frac{±0.60 }{100.00}±0.03\)


    Moles of NaOH (n) = concentration (c) × Volume of NaOH consumed (V)


    Fractional error in moles of NaOH \(\bigg(\frac{∆ n }{n}\bigg)=\frac{∆ c }{ c }+\frac{∆ V }{ V }=±0.03+\frac{± 0.10}{7.00}=±0.04\) 

    Moles of citric acid = \(\frac{moles\ of \ NaOH }{3}\)


    Therefore, fractional error in moles of citric acid = fractional error in moles of NaOH


    Mass of citric acid = moles of citric acid  molar mass


    Concentration of citric acid in g L-1 \(=\frac{mass\ of \ citric \ acid }{Volume \ of \ juice}\)


    Volume of juice used (Vjuice)= 20.00 ± 0.05 cm3


    Fractional error in concentration of citric acid  = fractional error in mass of citric acid + fractional error in volume of juice


    \(=\frac{∆n }{n}+\frac{∆V }{V}=(± 0.04)+\frac{± 0.05}{20.00}b\)


    Percentage error in citric acid concentration = fractional error 100 × 100 = ± 0.04 × 100 = 4.00

    Figure 12 - Concentration Of Citric Acid In GL-1 Against The Number Of Days

    Graph-1 is a scattered plot of mass percentage of citric acid in g/L against the number of days for which the juice was stored.

    • The graph displays that the mass percentage of citric acid in g/L (mass of citric acid present within 1 L of the juice) is decreasing from 15.47 g/L to 14.15 g/L for lemon juice, 8.74 g/L to 6.79 g/L for orange juice and 2.24 g/L to 1.22 g/L for lime juice. Thus, for all the three kinds of juices, it has been observed that the mass percentage of citric acid decreases with time. Thus, a negative correlation can be claimed between the mass percentage of citric acid and the storage time (measured in terms of number of days).
    • For all the days, the values of mass percentage is the highest for lemon juice followed by orange juice and the least for lime juice. This allows us to claim that the citric acid content is maximum for lime followed by lemon and the least for orange juice.
    • An equation of linear trend line has been displayed in the graph for each of the three types of juices and the trend lines are shown below:

    Lemon juice


     y = -0.322x + 15.824

    at y = 0,

     \(x =\frac{15.824}{0.322} = 49.14 ≅49\)


    Orange juice

    y = -0.454 x + 9.19

    at y = 0,

    \(x = \frac{9.19}{0.454} = 20.24≅20\)

    Lemon juice

    y = -0.269x + 2.517

    at y = 0

    \(x = \frac{2.517}{0.269}= 9.35 ≅9\)


    • The above discussion reveals that theoretically, the citric acid content within the juice must diminish to 0.00 within 49 days for lemon juice, within 20 days for orange juice and within 9 days for lime juice. Thus, it can be claimed that the citric acid content lasts the longest for lemon juice followed by orange juice and the least for lime juice.
    • Comparing the gradient of the trend line; -0.322 for lemon juice, -0.454 for orange juice and -0.269 for lime juice; it can be claimed that the mass percentage of citric acid in the juice is decreasing with time as the values of gradient are negative. Moreover, the values of the gradient shows that the decrease of mass percentage with time is fastest for orange juice as it has the maximum value of gradient and minimum for lime juice as it has the minimum value of gradient.
  • Ifza Elahi
    Ifza Elahi

    15+ yrs of experience, 100% 7s, Global Expertise, Digital Pro,

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  • Figure 13 - Mean Content Of Citric Acid

    Sample calculation

    Mean % of citric acid content = \(\frac{Sum \ of\ mass\ % of \ all\ five\ days}{5} =\frac{2.24+1.99+1.76+1.34+1.22 }{5} = 1.71 \, \,gL^{-1}\)

    Figure 14 - Comparison Of Mean Content Of Citric Acid In GL-1 (Bar Graph)

    The y axes values represent the dependent variable percentage content of citric acid present in each type of fruit The x axis values represent the independent variable, which is the type of fruit. As the x axes values (independent variable values) are categorized and not numbers/ figures, it is not possible to make a scatter plot or line graph. Therefore, bar graph being most suited to present this type of data and effectively exhibiting the data collected.


    The graph clearly displays that the mean content of citric acid in g/L is maximum for lemon juice (14.86 g/L) followed by orange juice (7.83 g/L) and least for lime juice (1.71 g/L). This claim is in accordance with the results from Graph-1.

    Scientific justification

    Citric acid is an organic tri-carboxylic acid. It can undergo decarboxylation according to the reaction below


    HOOC-CH2-C(COOH)(OH)-CH2(COOH) ------🡪     H3C-CH(OH)-CH3 + 3CO2 (g)


    As gas is liberated during the reaction, the disorderness of the system increases and thus the change of entropy is positive indicating an increase in entropy of the system. Thus, the reaction is entropically favored and spontaneous in nature. With the increase in storage time, more and more citric acid molecules undergo decarboxylation and thus the mean mass percentage of citric acid decreases. The qualitative observation that more bubbles were formed and the appearance of the juices turned hazy with the passage of time confirms the liberation of CO2 with the passage of time.


    How does the mass percentage of citric acid available from citrus fruits (lemon, lime, oranges) depends on the storage time and the types of citrus fruits and fresh lime taken?


    The mass percentage of citric acid in g/L (mass of citric acid present within1 L of the juice) is decreasing from 15.47 g/L to 14.15 g/L for lemon juice, 8.74 g/L to 6.79 g/L for orange juice and 2.24 g/L to 1.22 g/L for lime juice. Thus, for all the three kinds of juices, it has been observed that the mass percentage of citric acid decreases with time. Thus, a negative correlation can be claimed between the mass percentage of citric acid and the storage time (measured in terms of number of days).


    The citric acid content within the juice must diminish to 0.00 within 49 days for lemon juice, within 20 days for orange juice and within 9 days for lime juice. Thus, it can be claimed that the citric acid content lasts the longest for lemon juice followed by orange juice and the least for lime juice.


    The decrease of mass percentage with time is fastest for orange juice as it has the maximum value of gradient and minimum for lime juice as it has the minimum value of gradient.


    The mean content of citric acid in g/L is maximum for lemon juice (14.86 g/L) followed by orange juice (7.83 g/L) and least for lime juice (1.71 g/L). This claim is in accordance with the results from Graph-1.


    With the increase in storage time, more and more citric acid molecules undergo decarboxylation and thus the mean mass percentage of citric acid decreases. The qualitative observation that more bubbles were formed and the appearance of the juices turned hazy with the passage of time confirms the liberation of CO2 with the passage of time.


    Graph-1 shows the values of regression coefficient obtained from Excel for the equation of linear trend line depicting the correlation between the mass % of citric acid in g/L and the number of days. The values are 0.9851 for lemon juice, 0.9723 for lemon juice and 0.9794 for lime juice. This shows that there is a strong correlation between the mass percentage of citric acid in g/L and the storage time (measured in terms of number of days). Moreover, Graph-2 clearly indicates the differences in the values of mean values for the mass percentage of citric acid in juices. Thus, the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternate hypothesis has been accepted.

  • Ifza Elahi
    Ifza Elahi

    15+ yrs of experience, 100% 7s, Global Expertise, Digital Pro,

    Video Course

  • Evaluation


    • Wide range of independent variables- five days of storage time and three different types of fruits has been chosen due to which, the result is more specific and accurate.
    • The information found in this IA is resourceful as it explains what affects the nutritional level of the fruits and provides an idea of what food sources are rich in citric acid. I understood which one is best to have and safest to store for longer periods of time, which would least change in flavor, proving the best fruit juice to be consumed.
    • The experimental procedure is very simple and can be easily followed. The experiment can be done in other laboratories as well which increases the validity of the data.
    Type Of Error
    What is the error
    How can it be improved
    Random Error
    Human Error Uncertainty of the apparatus
    Limit the error by collecting data for at least three trial and taken all the values into consideration. Use the most precise apparatus available. For example, volume measured using a pipette is more precise than that using a graduated measuring cylinder.
    Systematic Error
    The equivalence point of an acid base titration and the end point is not the same. The end point noted during an acid base titration actually indicates the point when all the acids in the conical flask have already been neutralized and an excess drop of NaOH has been added. Thus, the burette reading indicates the volume of NaOH more than the actual value consumed by the acid. This result into the calculation of mean citric acid content which is more than the actual value imparting a positive systematic error in the investigation.
    The titration can be done using a pH probe and a pH curve can be obtained by plotting the values of pH against the volume of NaOH added from the burette to the acid in the conical flask. The mid-point from the straight line showing the sharp change in pH in the pH curve can be used as an equivalence point and a perpendicular may be drawn from that point to the x axes to determine the exact volume of NaOH consumed by the acid.
    Figure 15 - Table On Limitations

    Methodological limitation

    Citric acid also contains a alcohol group – (OH). This group can also react with NaOH along with the three carboxylic acids. This changes the mole ratio of the citric acid and NaOH to 1:4 from 1:3. Thus, the calculations and data processing in this investigation would become invalid. Alcohol (OH) group is acidic in nature and thus this possibility cannot be averted.


    (HOOC)CH2-C(COOH)(OH)-CH2-(COOH) + 4 NaOH -----🡪 (NaOOC)CH2-C(COONa)(ONa)-CH2-(COONa) + 4 H2O


    To optimize this, the concentration of citric acid can be monitored by measuring the absorbance of the solution using a UV-Visible spectroscopy at a wavelength at which the molecule shows maximum absorbance.

    Further scope for investigation

    Apart from storage time, storage temperature is also an important parameter to decide the shelf-life of any processed food. Thus, investigating the effect of temperature on the mean citric acid content of the juices will be a significant research. To do so, we can take the same three kind of juices and heat them to different temperatures using a Bunsen burner or electric heater. After that, the mean citric acid content can be determined using the acid base titration with NaOH.


    -Penniston, Kristina L., et al. “Quantitative Assessment of Citric Acid in Lemon Juice, Lime Juice, and Commercially-Available Fruit Juice Products.” Journal of Endourology, vol. 22, no. 3, Mar. 2008, pp. 567–570,, 10.1089/end.2007.0304.


    -"Citric Acid in Limes, Lemons & Oranges |"
    http://. 16 Jan. 2021.

    -"titration | Definition, Types, & Facts | Britannica." https:// Accessed 14 Feb. 2021.


    -"Citric Acid in Limes, Lemons & Oranges |" 16 Jan. 2021.


    -Quantitative Assessment of Citric Acid in Lemon Juice, Lime ...." Accessed 19 Jan. 2021.

  • Ifza Elahi
    Ifza Elahi

    15+ yrs of experience, 100% 7s, Global Expertise, Digital Pro,

    Video Course

  • Ifza Elahi
    Ifza Elahi

    15+ yrs of experience, 100% 7s, Global Expertise, Digital Pro,

    Video Course