Definition: When a signaling chemical binds to a receptor in a cell, a sequence of interactions called a signal transduction pathway starts.
Fun Fact: Think of it like a chain reaction of whispers in the 'telephone' game!
Variety Galore: These pathways are as diverse as the world's cuisines. Why? Because they evolved independently instead of having a common origin.
Transmembrane Receptors
Intracellular Receptors
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Definition: When a signaling chemical binds to a receptor in a cell, a sequence of interactions called a signal transduction pathway starts.
Fun Fact: Think of it like a chain reaction of whispers in the 'telephone' game!
Variety Galore: These pathways are as diverse as the world's cuisines. Why? Because they evolved independently instead of having a common origin.
Transmembrane Receptors
Intracellular Receptors
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