Biology SL
Biology SL
Theme A - Unity & Diversity
Theme A - Unity & Diversity
Theme B - Form & Function
Theme B - Form & Function
Theme C - Interaction &  Interdependence
Theme C - Interaction & Interdependence
Theme D - Continuity & Change
Theme D - Continuity & Change
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Theme B - Form & Function
Biology SL
Biology SL

Theme B - Form & Function

Unveiling Ribosomes Structure, Function & Nobel-Winning Discoveries

Word Count Emoji
431 words
Reading Time Emoji
3 mins read
Updated at Emoji
Last edited on 14th Jun 2024

Table of content

Ribosomes - the tiny builders of the cell 🏗️

  • What are they?
    • Assemblages of rRNA and proteins.
    • Eukaryotic ribosomes? 📏 About 30 nanometres in diameter.
  • Two Parts of Ribosomes 🥪
    • Small Subunit: Acts like a messenger receiver. It's got a special spot for mRNA.
    • Large Subunit: This one’s like a multi-tasker!
      • Can hold onto three tRNA molecules.
      • Acts as a peptide bond factory. 🏭
      • Has an escape route (exit tunnel) for the new protein.
  • Where you learn more about them: Check out Topic D1.2 for protein synthesis by ribosomes!

Types of ribosomes - free vs. attached 🚢

  • Free Ribosomes
    • Floating around in the cell's cytoplasm.
    • Their produced polypeptides: Either chill in the cytoplasm or crash the nucleus party.
    • Fun fact! Cytoplasm = 🎉 Party Zone! Full of proteins with roles, from housekeepers like glycolysis enzymes to cell special agents doing unique tasks.
  • Attached Ribosomes (rER bound)
    • Making something that needs to be delivered? Then they get attached to the rough endoplasmic reticulum (rER).
    • rER? Like a maze of sacs (cisternae) bounded by a membrane.
    • Newly made polypeptides enter this maze and get packed into a vesicle (tiny bubble) that travels elsewhere.
    • Usual first stop: The Golgi apparatus (the cell's packaging center). Destination? Often, outside the cell!

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IB Resources
Theme B - Form & Function
Biology SL
Biology SL

Theme B - Form & Function

Unveiling Ribosomes Structure, Function & Nobel-Winning Discoveries

Word Count Emoji
431 words
Reading Time Emoji
3 mins read
Updated at Emoji
Last edited on 14th Jun 2024

Table of content

Ribosomes - the tiny builders of the cell 🏗️

  • What are they?
    • Assemblages of rRNA and proteins.
    • Eukaryotic ribosomes? 📏 About 30 nanometres in diameter.
  • Two Parts of Ribosomes 🥪
    • Small Subunit: Acts like a messenger receiver. It's got a special spot for mRNA.
    • Large Subunit: This one’s like a multi-tasker!
      • Can hold onto three tRNA molecules.
      • Acts as a peptide bond factory. 🏭
      • Has an escape route (exit tunnel) for the new protein.
  • Where you learn more about them: Check out Topic D1.2 for protein synthesis by ribosomes!

Types of ribosomes - free vs. attached 🚢

  • Free Ribosomes
    • Floating around in the cell's cytoplasm.
    • Their produced polypeptides: Either chill in the cytoplasm or crash the nucleus party.
    • Fun fact! Cytoplasm = 🎉 Party Zone! Full of proteins with roles, from housekeepers like glycolysis enzymes to cell special agents doing unique tasks.
  • Attached Ribosomes (rER bound)
    • Making something that needs to be delivered? Then they get attached to the rough endoplasmic reticulum (rER).
    • rER? Like a maze of sacs (cisternae) bounded by a membrane.
    • Newly made polypeptides enter this maze and get packed into a vesicle (tiny bubble) that travels elsewhere.
    • Usual first stop: The Golgi apparatus (the cell's packaging center). Destination? Often, outside the cell!

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