Consider a company, PQR Electronics, that sold €8 million worth of computers in Sweden. During the same period, the total market sales were €100 million. Using the market share formula, the market share of PQR Electronics would be:
Market Share Percentage =\(\frac{€8million}{€100million}\)×100 = 8
This means that PQR Electronics holds an 8% market share in the computer industry in Sweden.
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Consider a company, PQR Electronics, that sold €8 million worth of computers in Sweden. During the same period, the total market sales were €100 million. Using the market share formula, the market share of PQR Electronics would be:
Market Share Percentage =\(\frac{€8million}{€100million}\)×100 = 8
This means that PQR Electronics holds an 8% market share in the computer industry in Sweden.
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