History SL
History SL
Case study 1: Japanese Expansion In East Asia 1931-41 (The Global War)
Case study 1: Japanese Expansion In East Asia 1931-41 (The Global War)
Case Study 2: German & Italian Expansion 1933-40 (The Global War)
Case Study 2: German & Italian Expansion 1933-40 (The Global War)
Part 1 - Rivalry, Mistrust & Accord (The Cold War)
Part 1 - Rivalry, Mistrust & Accord (The Cold War)
Part 2 - Leaders & Nations (The Cold War)
Part 2 - Leaders & Nations (The Cold War)
Part 3 - Cold War Crises (The Cold War)
Part 3 - Cold War Crises (The Cold War)
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Case Study 2: German & Italian Expansion 1933-40 (The Global War)
History SL
History SL

Case Study 2: German & Italian Expansion 1933-40 (The Global War)

Poland's Peril: Why Germany Ignited WWII Over The Polish Corridor

Word Count Emoji
485 words
Reading Time Emoji
3 mins read
Updated at Emoji
Last edited on 5th Nov 2024

Table of content

Backdrop to the Crisis 🌍

  • Post-WWI Poland
    • Newly independent Poland emerged after WWI.
    • Formed from territories previously under:
    • German 🇩🇪
    • Russian 🇷🇺
    • Austro-Hungarian 🇦🇹🇭🇺 control.
  • Polish Corridor
    • Imagine a tunnel connecting Poland 🇵🇱 to the sea 🌊, cutting through Germany like a highway.
    • Purpose: Gave Poland access to the sea.
    • Impact: Split German East Prussia from the rest of Germany. Ouch! 😬
  • Danzig/Gdańsk
    • Port city located at the mouth of the corridor.
    • Status: Like a special VIP city 🌃 under the League of Nations' mandate.
    • FYI: Over 800k Germans lived under Polish rule between the wars.

🇩🇪 Germany's Resentment

  • Didn't like the "new" Poland.
  • Think of someone cutting a piece from your favorite cake 🎂 and giving it to someone else. That's how Germany felt about Poland.

The Puzzling Pact 🤝

  • 1934: Germany and Poland signed a "let's be friends" pact for 10 years.
  • Question 🤔: Why did they end up fighting in just 5 years?

Hitler's Demands (post-Munich) 🚂

  • Wanted Danzig back (kinda like wanting your stolen bike 🚲 back).
  • Desired roads & railways through the Polish Corridor (Like demanding a new bike path).
    • In return? Promised to continue the friendship pact from 1934.

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Case Study 2: German & Italian Expansion 1933-40 (The Global War)
History SL
History SL

Case Study 2: German & Italian Expansion 1933-40 (The Global War)

Poland's Peril: Why Germany Ignited WWII Over The Polish Corridor

Word Count Emoji
485 words
Reading Time Emoji
3 mins read
Updated at Emoji
Last edited on 5th Nov 2024

Table of content

Backdrop to the Crisis 🌍

  • Post-WWI Poland
    • Newly independent Poland emerged after WWI.
    • Formed from territories previously under:
    • German 🇩🇪
    • Russian 🇷🇺
    • Austro-Hungarian 🇦🇹🇭🇺 control.
  • Polish Corridor
    • Imagine a tunnel connecting Poland 🇵🇱 to the sea 🌊, cutting through Germany like a highway.
    • Purpose: Gave Poland access to the sea.
    • Impact: Split German East Prussia from the rest of Germany. Ouch! 😬
  • Danzig/Gdańsk
    • Port city located at the mouth of the corridor.
    • Status: Like a special VIP city 🌃 under the League of Nations' mandate.
    • FYI: Over 800k Germans lived under Polish rule between the wars.

🇩🇪 Germany's Resentment

  • Didn't like the "new" Poland.
  • Think of someone cutting a piece from your favorite cake 🎂 and giving it to someone else. That's how Germany felt about Poland.

The Puzzling Pact 🤝

  • 1934: Germany and Poland signed a "let's be friends" pact for 10 years.
  • Question 🤔: Why did they end up fighting in just 5 years?

Hitler's Demands (post-Munich) 🚂

  • Wanted Danzig back (kinda like wanting your stolen bike 🚲 back).
  • Desired roads & railways through the Polish Corridor (Like demanding a new bike path).
    • In return? Promised to continue the friendship pact from 1934.

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