Sports, Exercise & Health Science SL
Sports, Exercise & Health Science SL
Chapter 1 - Musculoskeletal Anatomy
Chapter 1 - Musculoskeletal Anatomy
Chapter 2 - Cardio - Respiratory Exercise Physiology
Chapter 2 - Cardio - Respiratory Exercise Physiology
Chapter 3 - Nutrition & Energy Systems
Chapter 3 - Nutrition & Energy Systems
Chapter 4 - Movement Analysis
Chapter 4 - Movement Analysis
Chapter 5 - Skill In Sport
Chapter 5 - Skill In Sport
Chapter 6 - Measurement & Evaluation Of Human Performance
Chapter 6 - Measurement & Evaluation Of Human Performance
Chapter 7 - Training To Optimize Physiological Performance
Chapter 7 - Training To Optimize Physiological Performance
Chapter 8 - Environmental Factors & Performance
Chapter 8 - Environmental Factors & Performance
Chapter 9 - Non-Nutritional Ergogenic Aids
Chapter 9 - Non-Nutritional Ergogenic Aids
Chapter 10 - Individual Differences In Sport
Chapter 10 - Individual Differences In Sport
Chapter 11 - Motivation In Sport & Exercise
Chapter 11 - Motivation In Sport & Exercise
Chapter 12 - Arousal, Anxiety & Performance
Chapter 12 - Arousal, Anxiety & Performance
Chapter 13 - Psychological Skills Training
Chapter 13 - Psychological Skills Training
Chapter 14 - Overtraining, Stress & Burnout In Adolescent Athletes
Chapter 14 - Overtraining, Stress & Burnout In Adolescent Athletes
Chapter 15 - Physical Activity & Health
Chapter 15 - Physical Activity & Health
Chapter 16 - Nutrition For Sport & Exercise
Chapter 16 - Nutrition For Sport & Exercise
Chapter 17 - Internal Assessment & Practical Work
Chapter 17 - Internal Assessment & Practical Work
Chapter 18 - Perparing for your exams
Chapter 18 - Perparing for your exams
IB Resources
Chapter 10 - Individual Differences In Sport
Sports, Exercise & Health Science SL
Sports, Exercise & Health Science SL

Chapter 10 - Individual Differences In Sport

Boost Your Performance: Mastering Physiological States for High Self-Efficacy

Word Count Emoji
663 words
Reading Time Emoji
4 mins read
Updated at Emoji
Last edited on 14th Jun 2024

Table of content

What does 'Physiological State' mean in Sports?

  • How a performer feels physically before an action.
  • Can affect how confident (self-efficacy) one feels about performing.

Real-World Example: Feeling butterflies before giving a presentation because you're nervous!

Arousal & Performance

  • Arousal: A heightened state before a performance.
  • Effects
    • Can narrow attention.
    • Might make you select relevant cues to focus on.

Real-World Example: It's like being on high alert when playing a video game, trying to catch all the important details!

Dimensions of Attention 🧠

  • Concentration: Fully focusing.
    • E.g., Listening to your basketball coach during a timeout.
  • Selective Attention: Only noticing relevant info, ignoring distractions.
    • E.g., Ignoring a booing crowd & focusing on the coach's advice.
  • Coordinating multiple actions: Doing 2+ things at once.
    • E.g., Checking the game score & listening to your coach.

⚠️ Warning: Focusing on the wrong things (like a hostile crowd) can mess up performance.

Physical Signs of Arousal

  • Faster heartbeat.
  • Feeling out of breath.
  • Dry mouth.
  • Stomach butterflies.
  • Sweaty palms.
  • (Morriss, Summers 1995)

Real-World Example: Ever felt super jittery before a big event? That's your body gearing up!

Why These Changes Matter

  • Your body releases hormones before action, affecting feelings.
  • Understanding these changes = more confidence in performing.

Fun Fact: Ever heard of the "fight or flight" response? It's related!

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IB Resources
Chapter 10 - Individual Differences In Sport
Sports, Exercise & Health Science SL
Sports, Exercise & Health Science SL

Chapter 10 - Individual Differences In Sport

Boost Your Performance: Mastering Physiological States for High Self-Efficacy

Word Count Emoji
663 words
Reading Time Emoji
4 mins read
Updated at Emoji
Last edited on 14th Jun 2024

Table of content

What does 'Physiological State' mean in Sports?

  • How a performer feels physically before an action.
  • Can affect how confident (self-efficacy) one feels about performing.

Real-World Example: Feeling butterflies before giving a presentation because you're nervous!

Arousal & Performance

  • Arousal: A heightened state before a performance.
  • Effects
    • Can narrow attention.
    • Might make you select relevant cues to focus on.

Real-World Example: It's like being on high alert when playing a video game, trying to catch all the important details!

Dimensions of Attention 🧠

  • Concentration: Fully focusing.
    • E.g., Listening to your basketball coach during a timeout.
  • Selective Attention: Only noticing relevant info, ignoring distractions.
    • E.g., Ignoring a booing crowd & focusing on the coach's advice.
  • Coordinating multiple actions: Doing 2+ things at once.
    • E.g., Checking the game score & listening to your coach.

⚠️ Warning: Focusing on the wrong things (like a hostile crowd) can mess up performance.

Physical Signs of Arousal

  • Faster heartbeat.
  • Feeling out of breath.
  • Dry mouth.
  • Stomach butterflies.
  • Sweaty palms.
  • (Morriss, Summers 1995)

Real-World Example: Ever felt super jittery before a big event? That's your body gearing up!

Why These Changes Matter

  • Your body releases hormones before action, affecting feelings.
  • Understanding these changes = more confidence in performing.

Fun Fact: Ever heard of the "fight or flight" response? It's related!

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Dive deeper and gain exclusive access to premium files of Sports, Exercise & Health Science SL. Subscribe now and get closer to that 45 🌟